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摘 要
近年来,以煤为原料的甲醇项目成为大多数投资者的首选,造成甲醇产能大 幅过剩的局面。为解决甲醇产能过剩这一局面,二甲醚作为后续产品成了众多厂 家的首选项目。但是,由于目前二甲醚的用途大多指向液化石油气的添加市场, 受到国家政策和行业竞争的影响,许多生产厂近年来一直处于关闭或低负荷运行 的状态。以现有二甲醚装置为基础,利用二甲醚为原料,借鉴和移植世界上业已 成熟的甲醇制汽油技术联产汽油及液化气,将会为二甲醚的发展开辟一个广阔的 市场。
本论文首先对我国能源结构和煤化工发展的现状做出简要的综述,并在此基 础上对甲醇或二甲醚等低碳醇醚制汽油技术和催化剂的发展和制备做出介绍。其 次,在实验室基础上完成了 ZSM-5(Zeolites Socony Mobil)分子筛的制备、成 型以及不同金属对催化剂的改性,设计了直径 100mm 长度 950mm 的二甲醚制汽 油固定床反应器,并在此基础上对催化剂进行长周期的评价,考察了温度、压力、 空速和高径比对二甲醚转化率和汽油收率的影响,得到最适宜的反应温度区间为 400~420℃,反应压力为 1.5MPa 左右,空速为 0.7h-1,高径比为 3。最后,在实 验数据的基础上进行二甲醚制汽油的工艺模拟和条件优化,根据实验条件下得到 的反应器温度分布数据进行了工业合成塔的设计,并对热量的综合利用做出优 化。在实验和模拟的基础上完成了二甲醚制汽油工艺流程的初步设计,并对工艺 流程和主要控制点做出了说明。
In recent years, excess capacity of methanol has become a problem with increasing investment decisions of methanol project from coal. To solve this problem, follow-up product of dimethyl ether (DME) turned into the preferred project for many manufacturers. Nowadays, the application of DME mostly relate to the market of liquefied petroleum gas. Under the influence of national policies and industry competition, many factories have been closed or been low load operation. To open up a broad market for the development of DME, the mature technology should be learned throughout the world to realize the conversion from methanol to gasoline with DME as the raw material and existing DME plant.
In the paper, the current situation of the development of the energy structure and coal chemical industry were firstly reviewed, and the study strategy for the development and synthesis technology of low carbon alcohol ether system of gasoline and catalyst were introduced. The molecular sieve ZSM-5 was synthesized and the modification of catalyst was preparation in the lab. Then, the fixed bed reactor with diameter of 100 mm and length of 950 mm for produce in gasoline using DME was designed for evaluating the performance of catalyst for long periods of time. Factors influencing of the conversion ratio of DME and the yield
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