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stakeholders, concentrated ownership structure, shareholders to bank and industrial company type, emphasize internal directors in internal management, lose external governance, emphasizing the company governance mechanism of the stability and spiritual stimulation to give priority to, pay attention to the long-term interests.
Since the ethnic culture of corporate governance and change from theory and practice is the basis, so how to use this conclusion to perfect our corporate governance will need to be further analysis of the Chinese nation and the connections between corporate governance. The author found that, our national culture conclude collectivism spirit, heavy ethical filial piety, oneness, light and heavy righteousness, adhere to the people-centered concept, determines the corporate governance structure
of equity in the highly centralized, nationa、bank and corporates is the mainly
shareholders , corporate governance persue long-term interests, but also determines the internal management of the important role of internal directors, exterior governance of stable and incentive mechanism to emphasis on material incentive.
The ethnic culture determines the corporate governance, so how to get rid of the negative factors for ethnic culture of corporate governance in China, the author thinks that the influence of ethnic culture can change to realize self, through the in-depth research found that ethnic culture’s change can be overcome the thoughts of light property, handfree theory, YiYanTang and good people, and to improvet our corporate governance.
Key words: CorporateGovernance、Path Dependence、Ethnic Culture、Individualism、 Collectivism
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