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roles and work together to complete the real-time scanning of the sample. The image offline processing module(Offline) is designed in order to process the scanning data from Realtime, including the display of image(plan graph, 3D image, partial image), the statistics of image(height probability graph, section line, roughness), the post-processing of image(line fitting, flatten). An image matching technique is designed to restore real 3D image by dealing with 2D scanning data. Firstly, the best match point is found by an image matching arithmetic through pro-processing, Then, a 3D topography image is achieved after a series of operations on the sidewall image such as flipping by columns, cutting, rotating and stitching. Finally, this arithmetic is applied to a rhombic prism’s surface and the result is evaluated. KEY WORDS:SPM; Computer Software System; Realtime; Offline; 3D image matching 目 录 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark0 第一章 绪论 1 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark1 1.1 扫描探针显微镜的研究现状 1 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark2 1.2 三维图像拼接技术的研究背景 3 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark3 1.3 课题研究意义与主要研究内容 4 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark4 第二章 系统设计 7 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark5 2.1 框架的搭建 7 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark6 2.2 系统环境 9 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark7 2.2.1 开发平台 9 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark8 TCP/IP 11 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark9 OpenGL 13 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark10 2.3 本章小结 14 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark11 第三章 实时扫描(Realtime) 15 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark12 3.1 区域选择模块 15 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark13 3.2 粗定位模块 17 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark14 3.2.1 标记匹配 17 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark15 3.2.2 偏差纠正 18 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark16 3.3 电机控制模块 20 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark17 3.4 快速扫描模块 22 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark18 3.4.1 TCP/IP 连接 24 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark19 3.4.2 通信协议 27 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark20 3.5 3D 扫描模块 29 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark21 3.6 快速逼近模块 30 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark22 3.7 视图模块 32 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark23 3.7.1 OpenGL 三维视景空间搭建 33 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark24 3.7.2 实时调平 35 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark25 3.7.3 配色方案 37 HYPERLINK \l _bookma



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