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I I 摘 要 摘 要 公益信托制度是信托法中一项重要的制度,从其出现到今天已有 400 多年的历史, 其在社会公益事业中始终扮演着重要角色,世界各国信托法都将鼓励和发展公益信托作 为己任。虽然我国《信托法》早在 2001 年已建立了公益信托制度,但目前公益信托在 我国仍然处于比较尴尬的境地,该类信托屡屡出现“叫好不叫座”的情况。原因在于, 我国公益信托起步比较晚,各项制度还不够完善,尤其是公益信托监管方面还存在很多 不足。因此,为了实现公益信托的公共利益的目的,促进公益事业发展,防止公益财产 的不当使用,我们有必要从理论上完善我国公益信托监管制度。 本文运用了历史、比较、案例分析等方法对公益信托监管制度进行了考察,试图以 公益信托监管的一般原理为基础,通过对公益信托监管的概念、内容、目标、监管主体 及权限和监管模式的简要概述,发现我国公益信托监管在外部监管和内部监管方面存在 的问题。其中外部监管存在的问题具体包括立法机关、行政机关、行业自律组织、社会 大众监管存在的问题,内部监管存在的问题具体包括信托监察人、受托人内部组织监管 存在的问题,并对造成我国监管现状的成因作了简要的分析。同时借鉴国外公益信托监 管的成功经验,从外部监管和内部监管入手相应地提出完善我国公益信托监管法律制度 的建议和具体措施。 关键词 公益信托监管 受托人 公益事业管理机构 信托监察人 II II Abstract Abstract Charitable trust law is a very important system, and it has 400-year history now. It always plays an important role in the social public welfare .So the countries all over the world will encourage and development law of charitable trust as own duty. Although the charitable trust system has been set up in Trust Law of our country as early as in 2001, at present the charitable trust is still more embarrassing situation in our country. It benefits much more, but the people use it very little. Because it started quite late in our country, and the system is still not perfect, especially the supervision of charitable trust. Therefore, it is necessary to complete the supervision system of charitable trust in order to realize the purpose of public interests, promote the development of public welfare and prevent the improper use of public property. This paper use methods, such as history, comparison and case analysis etc, to discuss the issue of the supervision system of charitable trust. The author analyses the concept, content, objectives , the main body with authorities and the mode about the supervision of public trust. Base on the research, the author discovers charitable trust supervision still does not developed well and has some problems from external and internal supervision in China. External supervision problems are found from legislative, administrative organs,


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