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万方数据 万方数据 摘 要 工程机械传动系的研究方法主要以搭建试验台架进行测试为主,随着计算机的快速 发展,虚拟样机技术逐步趋于完善,将虚拟样机技术运用到工程机械传动系的研究,可 以有效缩短试验周期,得到试验结果,节约能源。使用 Visual C++编程技术和 ADAMS 虚拟样机技术,建立工程机械液力机械传动虚拟试验系统,主要研究工作如下: 1. 分析工程机械液力机械传动系的组成和各部件的性能特性,以及液力机械传动系 的试验方法,发动机与液力变矩器的匹配原则。 2. 运用 Visual C++软件设计工程机械液力机械传动虚拟试验系统的人机交互界面。 根据虚拟试验系统需要完成的试验以及各试验需要设置的参数,通过在 Visual C++软件 编程界面添加各种控件完成液力机械传动虚拟试验系统人机交互界面的设计。 3. 运用 ADAMS 虚拟样机技术建立液力机械传动系中液力变矩器、变速箱模型,同 时建立柴油发动机模型,通过修改传动系各部件属性文件和模型参数,使虚拟试验系统 中各部件性能与要试验的传动系部件一致。 4. 在建立好的工程机械液力机械传动虚拟试验系统中进行虚拟试验分析,包括液力 变矩器牵引工况性能试验、零速工况性能试验、反传工况性能试验,变速箱空载功率损 失试验、传动效率试验,发动机与液力变矩器牵引性能匹配试验,输出各试验曲线和仿 真动画,并对试验结果进行分析。 关键词:液力机械、传动系、ADAMS、虚拟试验、人机交互 I Abstract The research of engineering mechanical driveline is based on bench testing. With the rapid development of computer technology, virtual prototype technology is gradually perfect. With the use of virtual prototype, the research of engineering mechanical driveline, shorten the test cycle and save energy, can be much easier. The paper builds the virtual experiment system of engineering mechanical hydraulic driveline using Visual C++ programming techniques and ADAMS virtual prototype technology, the main research work is as follows: The paper analyzes the composition and performance characteristics of each part of engineering hydraulic mechanical driveline, the experiment method and the principle of matching of engine and torque converter. The paper uses Visual C++ software to build human-machine interface of the virtual experiment system of engineering mechanical hydraulic driveline. According to the need of setting parameters of the virtual experiment system, the author adds the various controls in Visual C++ software to complete the human-machine interface. With the use of ADAMS virtual prototype technology, the paper builds the model of engine, torque converter, and gearbox. Then, by modifying the parameters of the driveline components, the paper makes the parts of virtual experiment system to performance as the real driveline. The paper analyzes



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