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典型铅锌矿区优势植物重金属吸收性研究 摘 要 土壤重金属污染与治理一直是国际土壤环境科学技术研究的难点和热 点。目前,作为一种廉价的、原位绿色治理技术——植物修复已成为国内 外土壤修复研究的一个热点。其中利用积累、超积累植物提取修复技术在 全球范围内得到应用和发展。超积累植物的筛选、鉴定和驯化是植物修复 技术研究与发展的关键。本论文对浙江省典型铅锌矿区进行了野外植被与 土壤污染调查,并通过溶液培养试验及土壤盆栽试验,研究了矿区优势植 物之一-富阳种群东南景天(Sedum alfredii Hance)的锌镉耐性和吸收性, 取得的主要研究进展如下: 系统进行了典型铅锌矿废弃地优势植物调查及其重金属积累特性研 究。矿区土壤重金属污染严重,土壤中重金属全量平均递增顺序为Cd Cu Pb Zn,植物中重金属全量平均值的顺序为Cu Cd Pb Zn;总结了矿 区植物的常见种类,并分别从生态学、遗传学、植物分类学特性等方面, 分析了矿区植物对重金属的耐性与吸收性以及矿区植物在矿山环境恢复过 程中的功能与作用。 发现并鉴定了景天科景天属一新种-伴矿景天(Sedum plumbizincicola X.H. Guo et S. B. Zhou),丰富了中国景天科景天属植物资源。 在水培条件下,Zn 200 μmol L-1 处理时地上部 Zn 达 868 mg kg-1,在 Zn 800 μmol L-1 以下处理水平时无明显受害症状。该东南景天对 Cd 具有很 高的耐性,且地上部积累量较高。Cd 50 μmol L-1 水培时地上部含量达 814 mg kg-1,大大高于 100 mg kg-1 的超积累植物标准,但根中 Cd 浓度达到 2642 mg kg-1,即其 Cd 转移系数小于 1。在本土培盆栽条件下,该种东南景天 Zn 含量最高达 358 mg kg-1,Cd 含量最大为 2.55 mg kg-1。富阳种群东南景 天对 Zn 有较高的耐性和吸收性。 关键词:铅锌矿区;优势植物;东南景天;富阳;重金属;耐性; 吸收性 Dominant plant species and their heavy metal uptake in typical lead-zinc mine areas Abstract Soil heavy metal contamination is an important environmental problem worldwide and there is considerable interest in the remediation of polluted sites. Phytoremediation is an emerging technique for the cleanup of heavy metal polluted soils and offers the potential benefits of being performed in situ, cost-effectiveness and environmental sustainability. There have been many studies on the use accumulator or hyperaccumulator plants for phytoextraction. The success of phytoextraction depends on several factors, including the discovery, identification and growth of suitable plants. In the present project, metal uptake by the dominant plant species in abandoned lead-zinc mine areas in Zhejiang Province was investigated. Hydroponic culture and glasshouse pot experiments were conducted to characterize the tolerance to, and uptake of, heavy metals by one particular species, Sedum alfredii Hance, collected from Fuyang county. Results can be summarized as follows: The soils in the mining areas had high concentrations of he


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