
电力客户服务中心建设与客户服务技术支持系统研究 电气工程专业论文.docx

电力客户服务中心建设与客户服务技术支持系统研究 电气工程专业论文.docx

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电力客户服务中心建设与客户服务技术支持系统研究 电气工程专业论文

华北电力大学(保定) 硕士学位论文 电力客户服务中心建设与客户服务技术支持系统研究 姓名:吴瑞峰 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:电气工程 指导教师:李庚银;徐任武摘要 摘要 摘 要 建立以呼叫系统为中心的客户服务技术支持系统 全面提升电力客户服务水平 是新形势下供电服务亟待解决的关键问题 本文在详细讨论电力客户服务呼叫系统 建设结构 分析比较呼叫系统主要设备功能的基础上 提出了省公司统一开发建设 客户服务呼叫系统的设计方案 该方案按照电力营销管理信息系统各层面逻辑关系 以客户服务层为基础 以用电 MIS 调度 SCADA 配电 GIS 等计算机系统为后台 支持而设计 其主要功能包括用电业务咨询查询 业务受理 故障报修 举报和建 议 市场调查 停电信息和交费通知 业务统计分析以及业务流程的监督考核等 该系统设计和软件开发采用了三层结构 面向中间件的开发模式 界面友好 灵活 方便 并有较强的统计分析功能 关键词 电力客户服务 呼叫系统 方案设计 中间件开发 ABSTRACT Improving the overall service level for the customer is a crucial issue needed to be settled immediately under the new situation. This issue could be resolved by establishing the customer service supporting system that taking the calling system as the center. A designing scheme to develop and construct customer service calling system by provincial company is introduced in this article after discussing the structure of calling systems of electric power customer service and comparing the function of the main equipment of calling system. This scheme is designed according to the logical relationship between different levels of electric power marketing management information system on the basis of customer service level and taking the present computer systems, such as MIS, SCADA, GIS, etc, as supporting terraces. This system has the main functions of business consulting and inquiring of power utilization, business acceptance, default reporting, complaining and suggesting, market investigating, power outage information, debts notice, business statistics analyzing and monitoring and assessing of business procedure. The design and software development of this system adopt three-layer constructor and the developing mode oriented the middle unit has friendly interface. It is flexible and convenient and has power function of statistics analyzing. Wu Ruifeng (Electrical Engineering) Directed by Prof. Li Gengyin and Prof. Xu Renwu Keyword: power customers service, calling system, scheme design, middle unit development i 华北电力大学工程



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