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摘 要 随着数据库的广泛应用以及网络技术和分布式技术的不断发展,分布式异构 数据库的应用越来越广泛,如何使分散数据库中各节点的数据信息保持一致性显 得尤为重要,也成为数据库发展的迫切需要。由于数据库应用对象、使用环境等 不同造成了对其产品选择的差异,因此,建立一个基础性、通用性平台已成为解 决分布式异构数据库系统间的数据同步问题主要技术途径。 异构数据库数据一致性的保持并不是简单的数据复制,需要考虑异构数据的 正确存储及其精确性和完整性的保持。本文设计并实现了一个与应用无关的开放 通用分布式异构数据库同步中间件系统。主要工作可概括如下: (1)设计出一套合理的消息队列组织模型,保证消息通讯的安全性和及时性, 并能适应不同的网络环境; (2)设计合理的消息结构和发送方式,完成事务性操作; (3)设计分布式异构数据库之间同步中间件的解决方案; (4)提供合理的上下层接口,将系统封装成中间件; (5)根据理论研究设计的方案实现一个可应用的同步中间件产品,并进行相 应的测试和验证过程。 本文通过上述主要工作,最终设计并实现了一个具有应用价值的数据库同步 中间件产品,并在实际的测试中验证了该产品的可用性和正确性。 关键词:异构数据库 中间件 消息队列 数据库同步 事务性处理 Abastarct With the wide use of databases and rapid development of network and distributed technology, distributed database applications are more and more widely used; the most important is how to make sure the data consistency in each node of the database, and it become an urgent need for database development. But the characteristic of application and the employ circumstance make the choice diversity of database products. So it is necessary to design an infrastructural and generic platform to synchronize data in heterogeneous database systems. To maintain consistency of the data of heterogeneous databases is not a simple data replication, while we need to consider how to properly store and maintain its heterogeneous data accuracy and integrity. This paper designed and implement an application independent middleware system for heterogeneous database synchronization. The main contributions of this paper were summarized as follows. (1) A logical Message Queue model was designed,which made the message communications security and timely and also adapted different network environment. (2)A logical message structure and transport mode were designed, which made the whole synchronization process use managing with transaction. The project of synchronization between distributed heterogeneous databases was designed. A logical interface API was encapsulated, and made the system middleware. A practicable synchronization middleware was designed



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