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华北电力大学硕士学位论文 华北电力大学硕士学位论文 I I 摘 要 水泥窑纯低温余热发电是水泥窑提高生产效益、节约能源和实现可持续发展 的重要途径。随着水泥窑余热发电技术、分散控制系统及各种智能技术的不断发 展,使得越来越多的水泥窑开始余热发电项目,并将分散控制系统应用到水泥窑 余热发电中,实现生产过程的自动控制。由于余热锅炉汽包水位有多变量、非线 性和强耦合等特点,使得余热锅炉汽包水位的控制成为余热发电控制的难点。传 统 PID 控制的控制效果差强人意,因此对汽包水位控制采用一些先进的控制策略 成为发展趋势。随着模糊控制理论的不断发展和研究,因此将模糊控制应用到汽 包水位控制中成为本文研究的重点。 本文针对余热发电的特性,主要进行了如下几方面的研究: (1)在充分了解水泥窑纯低温余热发电技术的设备主要组成和工艺流程后, 以 LN2000DCS 为平台对其进行硬件的配置和软件的设计,并将其应用到现场进行 调试。 (2)针对余热锅炉汽包水位的特点和汽包水位的经典控制策略进行了深入研 究,通过现场采集到的数据对其进行递推增广最小二乘法辨识,获得汽包水位的 传递函数。 (3)针对辨识的得到的数学模型,结合模糊控制理论,利用 MATLAB 对汽 包水位进行模糊自整定 PID 控制仿真,并与传统 PID 控制进行比较。最终仿真结 果表明将模糊控制器应用到汽包水位的控制中有较好的控制效果,且在响应速 度、抗干扰性和鲁棒性方面都优于常规 PID 控制。最后对模糊自整定 PID 控制在 DCS 中的应用进行了分析。 关键词:分散控制系统;余热发电;模糊控制;MATLAB 仿真 II II Abstract Adopting low temperature waste heat power generation in cement kiln, it is an important way to improve product efficiency,save energy and make continuous development. With the development of the technology of low temperature waste heat power generation,distributed control system and all kinds of intelligent technologies, it makes more and more cement kins begin waste heat power generation and apply distributed control system to waste heat power generation, realize the automatic control of production process.Because the drum level of waste heat boiler has characteristics of many variables and nonlinear and strong coupling, the control of durm level become the most difficult problem of the control of waste heat power generation. The traditional way of PID control is barely satisfactory, so using some advanced control strategy instead of PID has become the current development direction. With the development and study of the theory of fuzzy control, so applying fuzzy control to the control of drum level become the key point of this paper. This paper mainly study on the following several aspects according to the characteristics of waste heat power generation. After having a strong understand of the main equipment composition and technological process of low temperature waste he



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