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I I 低温等离子体对聚酯丝网表面改性研究 中文摘要 中文摘要 本课题利用低温等离子体改性技术对聚酯丝网进行表面改性研究,分别研究 了等离子体活化处理、等离子体原位接枝聚合两种不同的改性方法对聚酯丝网的 处理改性效果。 通过测试处理前后聚酯丝网样品的接触角、润湿时间等进行改性效果的评价, 系统地研究了两种处理方法所涉及的试验参数如反应气体、反应功率、反应压强 对聚酯丝网处理改性效果的影响。再进行力学性能测试如断裂强力、断裂伸长率、 拉伸回复率等,看是否对样品的力学性能有影响。同时,借助于 ATR-IR 红外光谱 仪、X 射线光电子能谱、扫描电子显微镜等实验仪器对聚酯丝网表面的化学结构、 化学组成和形态结构进行了测量和表征分析。 研究结果表明,通过以上两种等离子体表面处理改性方法,都可以提高聚酯 丝网的亲水性,改善它的浸润性,提高它的抗静电性,同时对聚酯丝网的力学性 能影响不大;通过 ATR-IR 红外光谱仪和 X 射线光电子能谱共同分析发现,经以 上两种等离子体表面处理改性方法都能使聚酯丝网样品表面产生了含氧基团;扫 描电镜图像分析结果表明低温等离子体处理可以使聚酯丝网表面产生刻蚀和接 枝;时效性结果表明:等离子体处理效果随着时间的延长而衰减,但等离子体原 位接枝改性的效果衰减要来的比等离子体活化处理慢,接枝后聚酯丝网的改性效 果能保持更好。 关键词:等离子体;聚酯丝网;亲水性能;接枝 作 者:徐萍 指导老师:蒋耀兴 II II Abstract Study on Surface Modification of PET Silk Screen by Low Temperature Plasma Treatment Study on Surface Modification of PET Silk Screen by Low Temperature Plasma Treatment Abstract The surface of PET silk screen was treated by air low temperature plasma. and modification effect of PET silk screen by two different modification methods between Plasma activation treatment and Plasma grafting in situ polymerization processing was studyed respectively. Testing the contact Angle of polyester silk screen samples before and after processing evaluated the modification effect. Systematicallyit studyed that test parameters involved in two kinds of processing methods like the reaction gas, power, reaction pressure affected the modification effects of polyester silk screen processed. This study did the performance tests for before and after processing of polyester silk screen samples like breaking strength, elongation at break, tensile response rates and so on. Though those tests,we can see the modification whether it would affect mechanical property of samples. At the same time, by infrared spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy technique, the change of chemical constitution and components of PET silk screen was studied, and with the aid of scanning electron microscope, the change of longitudinal surface morphology structure of PET silk screen af



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