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3 3 4 4 摘 要 随着《政府采购法》和《招标投标法》的颁布,公开招标已被列为政府采购的主要 方式,我国的政府采购活动逐步规范,国家调控政府采购的能力逐渐增强,但串通招投 标象挥之不去的梦魇,不断啮噬着市场公平竞争秩序的大堤,已成为公开招标活动的顽 疾。串通招投标的出现绝非偶然,它只不过是在新的时代条件下腐败产生的一个变种, 它与我国官本位传统相适应,彰显权力强势,它睥睨我国制度的缺陷即国有资产产权主 体缺位,和法律的无奈即法律规制的有限性,而呈现勃勃生机,它不仅破坏了市场经济 秩序,也破坏了人们的法治观念,鉴于此,规制串通招投标历史地摆在法学研究者的面 前。 法律虽明文规定禁止串通招投标行为,但由于串通招投标者行为的隐蔽性甚至是双 方的心领神会,使法律的规制变得异常艰难。具体表现在串通主体的特殊性,即其中一 方是拥有权力的强势主体一政府官员,由于政府权力的介入,使串通行为不同于一般的 不正当竞争行为,而是政府权力滥用的衍生物,这正是规制串通招投标的难点;串通行 为的特殊性,即串通行为的隐蔽性,串通行为一般并不破坏招标程序,而法律不规制人 们的思想活动,因此串通行为很难取证,这无疑增加了法律规制的难度。 本文拟围绕串通招投标行为的特殊性展开论述,首先阐述串通招投标的法律特征, 其次探析串通招投标产生的根源,最后提出解决问题的对策。 【关键词】串通招投标;政府采购;公共工程;竞争秩序。 ABSTRACT With the issue of “Government’s Law of Purchase”and “the Law on Public Bidding”, the competitive bidding has already been the main way of government procurement, and the ability that the country adjusts and controls government procurement had been strengthened gradually. But gang u p bid destroys the fair competition market order, hinder the competitive bidding activity. Appearance to gang up bid by no means fortuitous, it only a mutation that the corruption produces under new era terms. It had not only destroyed the market economy o rder but also destroyed people’s idea governed by law. In view of this, regulationing and forbidding gang up bid is the task of law science researcher. Although the law expresses regulations and forbids ganging up bid behavior, because both sides of employing bidder’s behavior is secret, make the structure of the law very difficult. The subject of gang up is particularity, namely one party is a surging subject with power government official among them, this is exactly a difficult point of ganging up bid o f structure; Gang up behavior destroy the bid procedure generally, law do not structure people’s thought, so it’s difficult to collect evidence of gang up behavior, this has undoubtedly increased the degree of difficulty of the legal structure. This text p lan to describe the particularity of gang up bid, at first explain it’s l



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