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上海交通大学 M
上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文
decision making process tends to be scientific. At the same time
we still have some shortcomings such as investment decision making links are centralized; overlapping investment is popular; risk restraint mechanism has not yet been set up; property right responsibility is not clear; project management is in place. Summarizing the accomplishments and shortcomings of government investment, this thesis mainly analyses economic effects of government investment and concludes that the government investment can promote the economic growth and stabilize the economic development fluctuation; to some extent it can also lead the transformation of economic structure. Take advantage of the sequence data of Shanghai economic development, this thesis conducts demonstration analysis for the three above judgments with the help of co-integration analysis, VAR model and IRF and concludes the follows:
First, the government investment plays an important role in promoting economic growth 0.79% economic growth is promoted by every 1% of government investment increase. Second, government investment and non government investment have a long and stable relationship 1.57% non government investments are promoted by every 1% of government investment increase. Third, government investment does not have an extrusion effect on non
government investment. On the contrary, it has a positive
effect on non government investment. The increase of government investment guides the increase of non government investment. Fourth, he increase of non government investment requires little of government investment. With the expansion of investment scale, non government investment needs the corresponding government investment for the supporting facility to form a good environment. Fifth, government investment in infrastructure has a stable effect on GDP and chronically promotes the economic growth. Sixth, owing to the method of capi
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