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摘 要 改革开放以来,我国公关行业发展迅速,属于典型的朝阳行业。进入 21 世 纪以后,随着我国国民经济的持续稳定增长、政府对国家形象宣传越发重视及国 内企业对企业形象塑造和品牌建设的重视程度越来越高,我国公关行业的发展空 间将越来越大。在行业发展不断向好的背景下,我国本土公关企业如何抓住机遇, 构建自身的核心竞争力,如何获得持续的竞争优势,如何选择自身的竞争战略, 不仅关系到我国公关行业健康发展,还关系到我国企业的品牌建设能否顺利进 行。 本文运用企业核心竞争力理论对我国本土公关企业核心竞争力的概念及内 涵进行了研究,并分析了其主要构成要素。 本文认为,公关企业核心竞争力构成要素主要包括人力资源管理能力、战略 管理能力、知识管理能力、媒介管理能力和客户关系管理能力。接下来,本文对 我国本土公关企业的三种基本竞争战略的概念和适用条件进行了探讨,并依此对 北京蓝色光标品牌管理顾问股份有限公司的竞争战略选择进行了案例分析,认为 蓝色光标采取了差异化竞争战略,其主要实施方式为加强人力资源管理、拓展业 务网络和积极进行并购。 关键词:公关企业,核心竞争力,竞争战略,蓝色光标 Abstract China’s public relations (PR) industry is a typical sunrise industry which has rapidly developed since the opening reform. Entering the 21st century, there has generated more and more development space for PR industry as the national economy of China keeps sustainable and stable growth and government pays more attentions to both national image, and corporate image and brand building of domestic enterprises. Under the brilliant future development situation of the industry, how to seize the opportunities and build core competencies, and how to continuously keep the competitive advantages and choose strategies for China’s PR firms, they are very important to the PR industry. Not only to the healthy development, but also related to whether the brand building of Chinese enterprises could successfully proceed. This paper studies the conception and connotation of core competence of China’s PR firms and analyzes the major elements by using the theory of enterprise’s core competence. It argues that the major element of core competence of PR firms includes human resource management, strategic management, knowledge management, media management and customer relationship management capabilities. The conception of the three kinds of basic competitive strategies and the precondition of adaptability are discussed here in this paper. It analyzes the competitive strategies of BlueFocus Communication Group Co. Ltd as a case study which adopted the competitive strategy of differentiation. The m


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