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‘啡、 ‘啡、 中文摘要 随着我国经济的飞速发展,对油气的需求量也越来越大,加速开发我国海上 油气资源是当务之急。海洋固定式、 11.台仍然是中国目前海上石油生产普遍采用的 结构形式。海洋平台在随机的波浪动荷载作用下会产生累积疲劳损伤,因此,必 须评估海洋平台在疲劳上失效的风险,尤其是裙桩套简这样的桩腿迎接结构。 本文对海洋随机波浪下导管架结构传边的数和疲劳寿命理论作了简要叙述。 阐始了随机海洋波浪谐和线性疲劳累积损伤理论,并进行导管架裙桩套筒的详细 疲劳寿命评估。 重点采用谱疲劳分析技术研究了裙桩套筒的疲劳问题。根据应力传递路径, 确定控制热点,通过建立热点应力与参二号点应力的对应关系,推出热点的谱疲劳 寿命。与简化的疲劳分析相比,谱疲劳分析更接近实际、更合理,具有较好的应 用前景。 关键词:被谱响应热点应力疲劳裙桩套筒 I.a 4 Abstract Wi白白e rapid development of economy in China,the requirement on oil and gas is increased rapidly. And its much more necessary to develop the offshore oil and gas. Offshore fixed platform is still the main style of engineering structure today in China. Safety of the offshore platform is the flfst. Because of the random load acting on 加 platform ,accumulative fatigue damage will occur,and it is necessary to estimate the 电 fatigue risk on 由e platform ,especial for the pile sleeve. ,(,争、 t嘈  丁he theory on the transfer function and fatigue life evaluation for offshore oil platform structures under stochastic wave loads was summarized.ηle fatigue life of the jacket pile sleeve was evaluated by using wave 叩ectrum analysis theory and linear cumulative damage the。可· The spectral approach to fatigue analysis is utilized in the Jacket Pile Sleeve-toLeg Connection FE Analysis. Based on the force path,relat创 critical hot spots are specified. Hot spot spectral fatigue life can be calculated through the relationship between hot spot stress range and pilehead point stress range. Spectral fatigue analysis is more actual and reasonable ∞mpared to deterministic fatigue analysis. A good application of 也is method will be present in the future. Keywords: Wave Spectrum Response Hot stress Fatigue Pile sleeve 、, ‘ 目录 、\ 第章绪论…..……..……… 1.1 海洋导管架裙桩套筒疲劳研究分析的背景川…… 1 1.2 海洋导管架裙桩套简疲劳研究现状………… ..2 1.3本文的主要工作内容……..…..….,……..………… 3 第二章疲劳分析理论川…………..… 4 2.1 S书曲线…………………………叫 4 2.2 疲劳寿命计算…………………………… 5 第三章披浪谱疲劳分析………..……… 7 浪谱密度……·…………..……… 7 递函数…………………...……………… 8 劳破坏……………………,...……



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