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自由是市场经济的首要和基本原则,竞争自由、契约自由、贸易自由可以使 市场经济充满活力,实现市场主体之间利益关系的和谐。在市场经济条件下,自 由首先是一种权利,作为权利限定了市场主体的自由范围,使得市场主体在追求 自身的利益过程中既不损害其他市场主体的利益,又有利于市场的整体效应。但 是自由市场有其自身的弱点,自由竞争是一个优胜劣汰的过程,自由竞争的结果 必然产生垄断,最终损害市场主体的自由权利,使市场处于不自由、不公平竞争 状态。为此,必须规范市场主体的行为,确保市场主体的自由权利,实现自由竞 争、公平竞争。
中国的市场经济建设虽然取得了巨大的成就,但是依然存在着严重的垄断现 象——行政垄断、国有企业垄断、外资垄断,破坏了市场的自由竞争,使市场处 于不公平竞争状态,造成了市场整体效率的低下。在中国加入世界经济贸易组织 的背景下,我国的反垄断又面临着许多新问题,这一切都要我们深入思考中国特 殊市场条件下如何反垄断。政府作为制度提供者和市场秩序维护者,如何转变政 府职能,维护市场主体的自由权利和市场公正,实现市场的自由和公正。
关键词:垄断 自由竞争 公平竞争
Fair Competition: A Study of Monopoly Problem in China
Freedom is the primarily and fundamental principle of the marketing economy, free competition、free contract、free trade makes the market economy dynamic, and the relationships harmony between the different interests of market players. Under marketing economy, first of all, Freedom is right, and limit the freedom scope of the market players, make market players not only in the pursuit of the process of self‐interest and do no harm
to other market players, benefits the whole market. But the Free market has its own weaknesses, the process of the free competition is also a process of survival of the fittest, the finally result of free competition is monopoly, and ultimately do harm in the marketing free rights, so that the market will be no free and fair anymore.
Though we have been doing well in marketing economy ,but there are still
have serious monopoly :Administrative monopoly、state‐owned enterprises Monopoly、multinational monopoly,They all undermine the market free competition, the market is in a state of unfair competition, resulting the market efficiency lower. As China joined the World Trade Organization, we will meet many new problems in anti‐monopoly, all of that make us consider
how to antitrust in China. The government ,as system provider and order defender, should to transform its function, safeguard the marketing players freedom rights and keep the marketing fair, achieve the
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