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暨南大学硕士学位论文 暨南大学硕士学位论文 万方数据 万方数据 摘要 随着全球环境问题日益严峻和突出,企业生产过程和环境的关系得到了世界 各国的广泛关注。一些政府开始对研发先进技术,减少生产过程中的碳排放量的 企业进行补贴。 为了分析政府提供的环境研发补贴和企业的最优研发决策,以及在此过程中 研发溢出的效应,本文分别考虑混合市场和私有市场中生产同质产品的两个企 业,通过构建三阶段的动态博弈模型和数理推导,对最优的环境研发补贴政策和 研发溢出的效应进行分析。同时,对私有市场加入环境损害因素后进一步分析研 究。结果表明:不考虑环境损害因素时,在混合双寡头垄断市场和私有双寡头垄 断市场中,最优环境研发补贴政策实施后,企业的最优研发水平、产出水平和社 会福利都较没有补贴时有所提高,单位产出的碳排放量体有所减少。社会总的环 境研发投资水平、产出水平和社会福利水平亦有所降低,而市场上企业总的利润 水平有所提高。考虑环境损害因素后,政府提供最优环境研发补贴后,企业的最 优研发水平和产出水平较没有补贴时和最优福利标准模型下的水平都有所提高; 社会福利水平虽然略低于社会最优福利标准模型,但比补贴为零时的水平有明显 提高。因此,政府可以通过补贴政策提高环境研发和产出水平,改进社会低效问 题,改善国家福利。 [关键词] 环境研发补贴;古诺寡头垄断模型;研发溢出;环境损害 I Abstract As the problem of global environment has been increasingly worse, the relationship between producing and environment has attracted more attention from countries all over the world. Some governments begin to offer subsidies to firms that improve RD level to reduce carbon emission during producing. Most of the current research is about the effect of subsidy to private market, while they didn’t compare that with the mixed market. In addition, they didn’t consider the environmental damage, either. The duopoly model proposed in this paper considers two firms producing a homogeneous good in mixed market and private market respectively. In addition to original RD, a firm can also learn from its competitor for free because of the RD spillover. However, the market economic system will lead to inefficient RD level, so the government will help to improve the social efficiency through offering RD subsidy. This paper considers a three-stage game, analyzing the effect of the optimal environmental RD subsidy and spillover via mathematical and numerical analysis. At the same time, it also studies the private market after adding environmental damage in the model. Both in mixed market and private market, The result shows that when the environmental damage is not considered, the subsidy makes the RD increase in the degree of RD spillover both in mixed market and privat



peili2018 + 关注


