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唰唰恻 。阳 唰唰恻 。 阳川川mAE· 附附A崎 州川川川码 。 川川川EJV 川川川川gu 川附配WAE· 州州VE Abstract Volume Rendering is one of the primary methods in scientific visualization field. The intrinsic infonnation of volume dataset can be visualized interactively by this method. In medicine ,meteorology and oil and gas seismic exploration application,volume rendering technology is widely used,and helps users to analyze the data and ωfind the rule or law concerning the da他 With the emergence of various complex oil and gas discovering and forecasting problems ,the traditional interpretation of seismic volume data visualization technology faces new challenges. Thus,it is vital important to study further the seismic volume data visualization in theory and practice. ηús thesis focuses on the key technologies of seismic volume data visualization and analysis,and proposed three novel seismic volume data visualization and analysis algorithms. All three new algorithms are integrated into our developed seismic volume data visualization and analysis system. Some seismic exploration data are tested by our system and the experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of our new algorithms. Firstly,we proposed an interval volume rendering algorithms by r町-opaci可 -modulation. Our algorithm can overcome complex specification of transfer 自mction, feature occlusion,and viewdependent feature peeling which 缸e the limitations of existing volume rendering algorithm. We adopted the interval volume to define the structures of volume data,in which the interval volume is defined by a sub-space with scalar values 讪 a specific range and it can be used to describe visual feature wi由more accuracy. 丁ransfer function can be automatically generated by the principle interval volume which is detected based on corresponding level of local data relevance. To 创$町e the visibility of all interval volumes at once,we proposed a novel interval volume rendering equation based on ray interval profile analysis. By the appl



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