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山东师范大学硕士学位论文 山东师范大学硕士学位论文 万方数据 万方数据 地方高校课程质量评价指标体系构建研究 摘要 21 世纪是中国高等教育飞速发展的世纪,经过了数量和规模的扩张之后,质量这一 永恒主题越来越受人们的关注,提高高等教育质量已经成为一种共识。各高校纷纷采取一 系列的措施来追求质量的提升,作为高等教育主力军的地方高校在这一点上表现尤为明 显。而影响高校教育教学质量和人才培养质量的根本性因素,则是作为高等教育的心脏的 课程。近年来,许多学者就课程质量评价指标体系的构建进行了一定的研究,但其研究大 都基于具体对象而言,如针对网络课程,围绕其评价指标体系构建的原则、方法、指标设 计等内容,学者们做了大量的研究,但其研究对象的性质决定了它的适用范围,普适性较 小。所以,为了全面而精确的评价课程,实现质量提升的目的,构建一个科学合理的、适 用于地方高校的评价指标体系,是高校尤其是地方高校当前亟需解决的一个主要问题,是 当前高等教育领域工作的重点。 本研究首先对课程质量评价的基本理论知识进行梳理,为论文写作奠定基础;在对资 料整理的基础上,然后对地方高校课程质量评价指标构建的原则以及方法等进行了一定的 分析;最后,在质量这一思想的指导下,以上述研究为基础,对指标体系的目标构成、具 体指标以及评价标准等方面进行了简单阐述,由此构建了一个地方高校课程质量评价指标 体系。 关键词:地方高校;课程质量评价;指标体系; 分类号:G640.2 I Research on quality evaluation index system construction of courses in local universities Abstract The 21st century is the century of the rapid development of Chinas higher education, after the expansion of the number and size, the eternal theme of the quality has got more and more peoples attention, to improve the quality of higher education has been a consensus. Colleges and universities have taken a series of measures to improve the quality, the local colleges and universities as the main force of higher education at this point is particularly evident. As the heart of higher education, courses determines the quality of personnel training and the overall quality of the education teaching, Therefore, building a scientific and reasonable index system, to conduct the comprehensive and accurate evaluation on the quality of course, becomes a major problem of the local colleges and universities facing at current. In recent years, many scholars have carried a certain amount of research on the construction of quality evaluation index system of curriculum, but their research are mostly based on the concrete objects, as for the online course, a number of studies on the principles, methods, evaluation index system designing have been carried out, but the applicable scope is small. Building a quality evaluation system applicable to local colleges courses are s



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