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Abstract I n t h e near few year s, integr ated supply of heat ene rgy i s devel opi ng quite fast i n our count r y. At prese n t, suppl ying heat energy by boiler in winter is still the main form in cities and towns of northern part of Ch ina. Capability quality of boiler ’s controlling syste m directly a ffe cts t h e qua lity of our daily heating. For traditional controlling sy stem, every unit in th e system connects to each other poi nt t o point , wit h unique l i ne. I f t w o adj acent physical u n its are to o far aw ay f r om eac h other, t h e expe nse s to pla ce connecti n g cabl es are incr edible . W h ile NCS is the computer controlling system occluded by di gital network, which integrate techni que s of comp uter, communic ati o n and a u to-contr o lli ng, and is with the positive characteristics such as high reliability, less connecti o n withi n sy s t em , an ti-in t erf e ren ce, and op en communic ation pr otocol . Thanks to the a dva ntage of net w or k techni que s, l o ts of r esearc h a nd applica tion are f o cus e d on applyi ng the digital network to industrial controlling field. This article f irst of all works on t h e general str u cture of boiler controlling system of temporary heating energy supply system, and brings forward a controlling structure based on network control. Secondly, it i n t roduces de finiti on, de velopme n t a n d typic al struct ure of net w or ked cont r o l sy ste m s. It opti m iz es the bur ning using qua ntum of heatin g supply to control th e quant u m of coal to boiler and blasting and whiffing m ode. This article also describes t h e c o ntrolli ng met h ods of pres ent net w or ked control syste m s , and analyses t h e characteristics of net w or ked control s y ste m s , such a s ti me del a y of net w or k a bduction and l o ss of dat a packa g e a nd s o on, and rai s es t h e designi ng technique of controller which solv es the stabili



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