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南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 公推公选领导干部选拔测评体系研究 公推公选领导干部选拔测评体系研究 I I 摘 要 公推公选是公开推荐、公开选拔党政领导干部的一种干部选拔模式。2003 年江苏率先采用 公推公选,之后全国各地都对此予以借鉴,并对公推公选模式进行了有益尝试和改进,均取得 了很好的效果。公推公选,创新了领导干部选拔模式,打破了传统的“闭门选官”,实现了“多 数人在多数人中选人”。实践表明,这种选人模式不仅能够有效遏制干部选拔任用中的不正之风 和腐败现象,而且还能广泛激励优秀人才脱颖而出,对深化我国干部人事制度改革具有重要的 现实意义。 基于各地公推公选的实践探索,立足于我国现行的公推公选实然层面,全面解析公推公选 领导干部选拔测评模式的内涵及其运行机制,探寻公推公选对我国传统领导干部选拔制度的创 新所在,并结合江苏公推公选的实践,对其产生的实践成效进行论证,从而证明这一选拔模式 的有效性及其科学性,同时辩证地阐述了它存在的问题与不足。通过阐述公推公选领导干部选 拔测评体系的理论依据和指导原则,基于公推公选的运行程序,结合领导干部的综合素质要求, 提出公推公选领导干部选拔测评体系的设计思路,最后确定指标体系,设计出公推公选领导干 部选拔测评体系的数学模型。采用数据量化方式,转变传统的公共部门定性评价领导干部的模 式为定量评价,从而试图建立起一套科学的公推公选领导干部选拔测评体系。最后结合实践对 公推公选领导干部选拔模式的科学实施提出建议,指出了公推公选领导干部选拔测评体系的运 行方法,设计了两种遴选方案,对公推公选领导干部选拔测评体系的实践与完善提出建议,用 于指导我国公推公选实践运行。 关键词:公推公选,领导干部,干部选拔,素质测评 ABSTRACT The “Open Recommendation and Selection” is a cadre selection mode with the way of public recommendation and open selection. When it is first implemented in Jiangsu Province in 2003 year, various regions learned from Jiangsu’ experience, and then improved and perfected it and had a good effect. The “Open Recommendation and Selection”, as an innovative model of cadre selection, breaks the traditional closed-door official election”, and realizes the situation of “most people select officials among the majority of people”. Practice shows that this model has a marked effect on the cadre selection to put an end to corruption and motivate talented people quickly come to the fore. Besides it has important practical significance for deepening our cadre system reform. Based on the present factual aspects of the “Open Recommendation and Selection” in china, the author throughout a comprehensive analysis on the content and its’ operation mechanism is in order to search for its’ innovation compared with the traditional official selection models. Based on the research of this model’s innovation and demonstration of its achievement of Jiangsu’s practice, this paper so as to prove the effectiveness and science of the “Open Recommendation


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