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PAGE PAGE 10 我国出让土地使用权的特点。通过在我国特殊的土地国情之下对出让国有土地使用权的 概念和性质进行研究,得出出让国有土地使用权是一项独立的、新型的用益物权,是一 项名副其实的应当受到法律保护的土地权利的结论。因此,无论是从土地征收的构成要 件角度还是从其对象的性质角度,都可以得出公益性收回出让土地使用权行为应当界定 为土地征收这一结论。这样就能够扩大我国土地征收的范围,将包括出让国有土地使用 权在内的一系列土地权利都纳入土地征收的范围之内。 第三部分,主要讨论征收出让土地使用权制度的构建,包括从土地征收的支柱—— 目的、程序、补偿三个方面对该种征收行为进行完善。在征收目的方面,本文牢牢抓住 公共利益这一目的。在对公共利益的性质进行分析之后,本文从程序方面和实体方面对 其加以界定。在征收程序方面,本文从征收程序的重要性出发,从程序信息的公开和建 立土地征收的监督机制两方面对征收出让土地使用权程序进行了一定的完善。然后着重 对征地补偿进行研究。本文并没有全面论述征收补偿的各项内容,而是从土地使用权征 收的特点出发,对征收的补偿标准和范围进行论述,力图完善征地补偿制度。在补偿标 准方面,本文认为征收补偿的标准应当是合理补偿。在补偿范围方面,本文首先借鉴了 国外关于征地补偿范围的规定,然后从对土地和地上附着物的补偿两个方面进行论述, 提出了对征收出让土地使用权补偿范围的完善建议。 关键词:土地有偿使用制度;收回;出让国有土地使用权;土地征收 Abstract China set up the system of compensated utilization of land for nearly 30 years. This system solved the problems which were caused by the old land system of uncompensational utilization and extracted a real right the remising land-use right from the national land-owned right. This system allows the oblige put the land into the market and do the transaction instead of the land-owner. The obvious features of the remising land-use right are acquisition for value and terminability. However, as the acceleration of the pace of the city construction, there will be more and more circumstances that the remising land-use right is withdrew based on the public interests. There is no rules concerned the definition of the withdrawing activity in the laws. As a consequence, there is a deficiency of the withdrawing activity in the current legal system. The land theories in China always consider that the object of the land expropriation is only the collective land-owner right, which means that the withdrawing activity which object is national land-use right is not contained in the traditional land expropriation theory. As a consequence, there is a academic deficiency in land theory in China. National land-use right is a property right which is protected by the Constitution Law. However, in the situation that there are both deficiencies in legal sy



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