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I I 摘 要 随着我国市场经济社会的不断发展,民事主体基于利益驱动,在民事活动中 危害国家利益和社会公共利益的现象 不断发生,如公共 环境资源破坏、国有资产 流失、市场垄断、不正当竞争,等等。这些侵害现象能够得 以存在和肆意的主要 原因,便是国家公益诉讼法律制度的缺失。我国现有的法律制度、法律架构和法 律理论下,法律并没有赋予社会民众或其他主体在诉讼中代表社会整体或公共利 益进行诉讼的资格和权利,法院一般不会受理,或者受理后,因为缺乏法律依据 支持而判决败诉,从而影响公益诉讼的积极性和发展,这已成为一个亟待解决的 现实问题。现代法治国家,公民和社会组织是维护公共利益的真正惟一途径,必 须赋予他们公益诉权,从司法制度的设置和运作模式上保障他们行使诉权。只有 发挥民众和社团组织的力量,才能有效防止侵害公共利益的行为。本文结合、借 鉴国内外诉权和公益诉讼研究成果,探析诉权与公益诉权的基本内涵特征,公益 诉权的法理基础、宪法基础、实体法基础以及司法基础,公益诉权合理行使的条 件、行使的原告主体范围、行使的程序及其滥用与限制。同时,笔者基于完善我 国公益诉权制度的良好愿望,保障公益诉权得以实现,建议 从司法制度的设置和 运作模式入手 ,通过立法程序修改民事诉讼法律和其他相关法律,设立公益诉讼 特别程序,明确公益诉权提起条件和主体资格,以及成立相应的公益诉讼机构, 建立公益诉讼基金和费用保障制度、奖惩制度等措施来保障公益诉权的实现。 关键词:诉权 公益诉讼 公益诉权 理论基础 合理行使 保障机制 II II Abstract With the continual development of our market economy, the phenomena have been occurred that civil subjects for the sake of profit do harm to the state and social interests in the course of civil activities, such as environmental hazard, drain on state owned assets, market monopolization, unfair completion and so on. The main course to these phenomena is the lack of state interest legal regulations of procedure. In our existing legal system, legal mechanism and legal theory, the common people or other subjects arent entitled to present the whole society or public interest in suit, courts usually dont accept the case, or defeat suit because of lacking legislative authority even if the court accept it, thus the activities and development of public interest suit have been affected, which has become a practical problem eager to settle. In modern legal state, citizen and social organization are the only real way to defend public interest, they must be entitled the litigious rights for public interest, and the performance of these rights must be defended from the settlement and operation of judicature. We can prevent encroachment on public interest effectively only by depending on citizen and social organization. This article co mbines and draws lessons from study result of internal and external litigi



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