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II II 循环水净化包括弧形筛过滤、曝气气升、生物包过滤、紫外线消毒等过程。 本文以皮肤溃疡病致病菌灿烂弧菌(Vibrio splendidus)和哈维氏弧菌(Vibrio harveyi) 为指示菌,通过对半滑舌鳎循环水养殖系统中各环节细菌分布和消除效果的研究 表明:病原菌可分布在鱼体、残饵、池壁污物及循环水各处理环节,不健康苗种 和养殖工具也可携带病菌。除菌效果显示:弧形筛过滤、曝气池气升、紫外线消 毒是消除细菌的三大环节。采用 5×10-6 的 KMnO4 溶液浸泡 2h 对工具上细菌的杀 灭率达到 100%;使用 25×10-6 的 KMnO4 溶液擦拭养殖池池壁污物 1.5min 后细菌 杀灭率高于 90%;100×10-6 的 H2O2 对养殖舌鳎体表进行药浴消毒处理 10min,对 其体表病原菌的杀灭率达到了 94.49%。 本文针对半滑舌鳎循环水养殖系统中主要细菌性疾病的流行病学、病原学、 病理学开展研究,同时还系统性开展了循环水养殖系统中病原菌的分布及消除方 法研究。首次揭示了半滑舌鳎腹水病、皮肤溃疡病的流行病学、病原学、病理学 特征,并对各种病原菌进行了药敏分析;本文也率先对鲆鲽鱼类循环水养殖系统 中细菌的分布和消除效果进行系统性研究。上述数据与成果,将为建立循环水健 康养殖工艺提供理论参考,也为养殖生产上进行疾病防控提供了有力的技术支撑。 关键词:半滑舌鳎,循环水养殖,细菌性疾病,腹水病,皮肤溃疡病,脓肿病, 消毒 III III Bacterial Diseases and Control of Tongue Fish (Cynoglossus semilaevis) in Recirculating Aquaculture System ABSTRACT Tongue fish (Cynoglossus semilaevis) was usually cultured in recirculatingaquaculture system (RAS).In recent years, mass mortalities frequentlyoccurredand causedeconomic losses.In order to understand and control the diseases, the epidemiological characteristics of bacterial diseaseshas been performed in RASfarms located in Qingdao and Yantai city. In which,ascites, skin-ulcer disease andabscess diseasewere found to be the major bacterial diseases. The fish associated with ascites had a swelling belly. In severe cases, a portion of digestive tract even bulged out from anusbecause of the fluid squeezing in abdominal cavity and digestive tract. Numerous bacteria could be found in ascites through light microscope.Using TSB and TCBS solid medium,one strain (C) was isolated from ascites and dominate 90% of bacterial colony in TSB plate.The strain was identified as Listonella anguillarum through physiological biochemical tests and 16S rDNA sequencing analysis. For histopathological studies, most tissues and organs such as liver, spleed and intestine were collected and processed. Severe lesion was clearly shown, and could cause functional damage. The other two dominance strains (C C) were isolated from d



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