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山东科技大学硕士学位论文摘 山东科技大学硕士学位论文 摘 要 摘 要 本文对现有的起动设备和制动设备进行了简单介绍,并且在液体粘性软起动的基础 上提出了一种集软起动和软制动于一体的液体粘性起制动一体化装置。 液体粘性起制动一体化装置的理论基础是液体粘性传动技术,其传动机理基于牛顿 内摩擦定律。论文首先介绍了液体粘性传动的概念、基本原理、特点和发展状况。分析 了液体粘性传动的传动特性,对传动过程中的带排扭矩进行了分析计算并提出了减小带 排扭矩的方法。 分起动系统和制动系统两部分对液体粘性起制动一体化装置主机结构进行了介绍。 介绍了三种不同工况下传动转矩的计算方法,根据摩擦片的结合过程以及传递扭矩 的要求,对液体粘性起制动一体化装置的机械本体部分进行设计,包括起动系统和制动 系统的设计。起动系统的设计包括摩擦副的分析和设计、轴的计算设计、活塞等其它零 件的设计和密封装置的选择;制动系统的设计包括摩擦副的分析设计、碟簧的计算选择 和活塞油缸的设计。 分析了一体化装置对液压系统的要求。对液压系统进行了一系列的方案设计,包括 供油方案、油泵驱动方案、旋转密封方案、滤油器和仪表的布置方案,绘制出液压系统 原理图。对液压系统各元件进行选择和计算,其中包括油泵的选择计算、滤油器的选择 计算和冷却器的选择。 关键词:带式输送机,液体粘性传动,起制动一体化,机械结构,液压系统 ABSTRACT This paper introduces the starting equipment and braking equipment, and an integrated hydroviscous drive soft starter and soft brake equipment is proposed based on the hydroviscous drive soft starter system. The theoret ica l basis for the hydroviscous soft starter and soft brake equipment is the hydraulic viscous driving technique, whose transmission principle is based on Newton internal frict ion law. The concept, basic principle, character ist ic and the development of the hydraulic viscous driving are introduced at the beginning of the disser tation. Character ist ic of the hydraulic viscous driving is analyzed, and after the towing torques in the transmission process are calculated and analyzed, a met hod for reducing the towing torques is proposed. Main structure of the hydroviscous drive soft starter and soft brake equipment is introduced on its starter system and brake system. Computationa l met hod for calculating driving torques under 3 different working conditions has been introduced, the mecha nical system of the hydroviscous drive soft starter and soft brake equipment is designed, including the starter system and the brake system, based on the conbining process of the frict ion disks and the requirements of the driving torques. The design of the starter system includes design and analysis of the frict ion pair, design and calculation of the shaft, design and seal



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