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中文摘要 微型燃气轮机具有能源利用效率高,污染小,可满足用户多种形式能源需求 的特点。单轴结构微型燃气轮机是微型燃气轮机的主流产品,该系统结构中除了 包含高速旋转设备外,还需要通过电力电子装置将高频电能转换为工频交流电, 是一种结构相对比较复杂但同时具有一定代表性的分布式电源。分布式发电技术 的兴起与发展为微型燃气轮机提供了灵活的运行平台,可以实现冷热电负荷之间 的灵活匹配。本文针对微型燃气轮机并网系统的组成结构、控制系统做了下述研 究工作: (1)研究了单轴燃气轮机的组成结构,从稳定性仿真分析的角度给出了各环节 详细的数学模型描述。 (2)在开关模型基础上推导了PWM变流器的稳定性仿真模型,以微型电网概念 为基础,在并网与孤岛运行两种模式下,讨论了电力电子装置的控制方式,以脉 宽调制 HYPERLINK /wiki/Pulse-width_modulation (Pulse-width modulation PWM)变流器为例,基于矢量控制给出了详细的控 制模型描述。 (3)研究了适用于稳定性仿真的若干种典型常微分方程数值解法,并将其应用 于含微型燃气轮机的配电系统暂态稳定性仿真算法中,给出了含分布式发电系统 的暂态稳定性仿真算法流程,并以此为基础在 C++环境下开发了单轴微型燃气轮 机并网系统仿真模型。 (4)采用 18 节点低压配电系统算例,研究了在负荷波动等一系列操作下微型燃 气轮机的动态特性,并将本文仿真结果和电力系统商业分析软件 DIgSILENT 进 行对比,验证了本文在 C++环境下所开发模型的有效性与正确性。 关键词: 微型燃气轮机 单轴结构 PWM 变流器 暂态稳定 仿真 ABSTRACT Micro-turbine possesses advantages of high efficiency and low pollution in energy utilization, and can satisfy different kinds of energy demands of users. Especially the single shaft micro-turbine, although with complex structure, is typically used as a distributed source,which needs power electronic interface to converter the high-frequency energy to industry-frequency power. The spring up and development of distributed generation provides a flexible operation platform for micro-turbine, which can flexibly meet the demands of the cooling and heating power loads. Focusing on the structure and control system of single shaft micro-turbine, four related research jobs are proceeded on in this paper: A research on the structure of single shaft micro-turbine is carried on, based on which the detailed model for stability analysis is proposed. The circuit topology of the PWM converter is presented and the steady model of the PWM converter for stability analysis is derived from the switching model. Furher more, based on the concept of microgrid, control strategies for PWM converter are explored both in grid-connected mode and isolated mode, especially the vertor control strategy, which is described in detail. Numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations suitab



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