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Study on The Government Rent-seeking of the Chinese real estate market from the Public Choice A Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of Master Candidate:Ma Junli Supervisor:Prof. Xie Junzhan Chang’an University, Xi’an, China 摘 要 政府寻租是存在于政府行为中的一种特殊经济现象。一些地方政府为了本辖区的利 益,利用合法或非法手段谋取经济租金,用手中的行政权力破坏现有制度,实现个人或 组织的利益最大化。政府寻租不利于经济发展和社会稳定,同时严重影响着政府的行政 管理效率;降低了政府在公民心中的公信力,干扰了我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立 与完善。为了更好地阐释政府寻租问题;探索治理政府寻租的途径,本文从公共选择理 论视角探讨我国房地产市场中的政府寻租问题。 近年来我国房地产市场中政府寻租现象越来越严重,很大程度上制约了我国房地产 经济的发展。房地产市场上的寻租活动是一种非生产性的竞争活动,是一种社会福利的 净损失。本文通过公共选择理论这一视角,发现房地产市场中的政府寻租的主要表现为: 土地出让环节的寻租、房地产调控政策的寻租及保障性住房项目的寻租。从公共选择理 论的角度进行分析,这是因为“经济人”存在逐利动机,即我国地方政府片面追求 GDP 增长、政府官员存在利益偏好;公共政策的政府失灵原因,即政府的不当干预和房地产 市场制度不完善等,导致政府寻租大量存在。通过借鉴西方国家的先进经验,得出了以 下研究结论:基于“经济人”动机追求利益是房地产市场中政府寻租的主流,其对社会 造成了财富浪费,因此防治我国房地产市场中政府寻租的对策需要从以下几方面着手: 第一,正确处理好政府与市场的关系,减少寻租空间;第二,健全相关法律,遏制经济 人逐利动机;第三,加强制度建设,促进房地产市场的公平公正;第四,完善相关政策, 促进房地产市场资源的合理配置;第五,加强公共行政伦理建设,提高行政人员的素质。 关键词:公共选择理论;寻租;政府寻租;房地产市场 i ii ii Abstract The Government rent-seeking is a special economic phenomenon existed inside the government behavior. The local governmental agencies seek for economic rents by means of legal or illegal ways for their own benefits; they destroy the current systems with their administrative power in hands in order to achieve the maxim um benefits for themselves or for the governmental agencies. The Government rent-seeking has a negative effect for the economic development and social stability, which results in a lower efficiency for the governmental administration; which reduces the credibility of the government; which interferes the establishment of the Chinese socialist market economy. The paper took the Chinese real estate market as an example, from the perspective of the theory of public choice, explored the issue of the government rent-seeking existed inside the Chinese real estate market in order to enunciate the issue of the government rent-seeking and finding out the solutions for it. The government rent-seeking phenomenon in the Chine


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