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山东理工大学硕士学位论文摘 山东理工大学硕士学位论文 摘 要 万方数据 万方数据 摘 要 以氧化铝粉和酚醛树脂碳粉为起始原料,采用碳热还原法制备出了氮化铝粉体; 通过制得的氮化铝粉体,采用无压烧结制备出AlN陶瓷。研究了烧结温度对合成氮化 铝粉体的影响;烧结温度、添加剂的种类和用量、保温时间等对氮化铝陶瓷致密化的 影响,以及氮化铝致密度与其硬度性能的关系。 研究结果表明: 1) 在1600~1800℃随温度的升高有利于氮化铝粉体的合成、结晶性的提高。在烧 结温度为1800℃,保温4h时,制得的氮化铝粉体纯度高,结晶度好,氧杂质最少为 0.968%,粒径小且分布均匀,平均粒径为4.22 μ m,适合用作制备氮化铝陶瓷的粉体 原料。 2) 烧结温度在1750~1850℃,随着烧结温度的提高,能促进氮化铝陶瓷的烧结和 氮化铝颗粒生长,1850℃时试样最为致密;最佳烧结保温时间为4h;添加剂CaF2、 Y2O3 、 HfO2 的 加 入 都 能 够 起 到 促 进 氮 化 铝 陶 瓷 的 致 密 化 效果。 添加 3wt%CaF2-3wt%Y2O3做复合烧结助剂,助烧效果最为显著。 3) 氮化铝陶瓷的洛氏硬度与其相对密度成正相关关系,相对密度越大,硬度越 大。添加3wt%CaF2-3wt%Y2O3试样,在1850℃烧结保温4h可以得到致密的氮化铝陶瓷, 相对密度达到99.3%,洛氏硬度( HRA )为80.1。 关键词:氮化铝;碳热还原法;无压烧结;烧结助剂 I 山东理工大学硕士学位论文Ab 山东理工大学硕士学位论文 Abstract Abstract Aluminium nitride (AlN ) powder was synthesized by carbothermal reduction method with the raw materials of alumina powder and carbon powder made by phenolic resin. Then AlN ceramic was prepared by pressureless sintering with the AlN powder which we synthesized. The influence of sintering temperature on the synthesis of aluminum nitride powder was investigated. And the influence of sintering temperature, the kind and dosage of additives, soaking time on the relative density of AlN ceramic and the relationship between relative density and rockwell hardness were studied in this paper. The results showed that: During the AlN powder was synthesized at 1600~1800℃, higher temperature was benifit to synthesis of AlN and its crystallization. The AlN powder which synthesized at 1800℃ with 4 hours soaking time got the highest purity and crystallization, the lowest content of oxygen impurity was 0.968wt%. The grain size was small and dispersed uniformly. Its average diameter was 4.22 μ m. So it can be used as the raw powder to sinter AlN ceramic. Higher temperature can promote the sintering of AlN ceramic and the growth of grains. When the temperature was 1850℃, the AlN ceramic obtained the highest relative density. And the best soaking time was 4h. The additive of CaF2, Y2O3 and HfO2 can imp



peili2018 + 关注


