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内 内容摘要 1 1 中国信访制度出现于上世纪五十年代,作为公民下情上传、表达民愿、参与政治和 维护权益的特殊救济手段,是党和政府密切联系群众的重要桥梁与纽带,是公民行使民 主权利的重要途径。在特定的历史时期曾发挥着重要的政治作用,一大批公民通过信访 渠道维护了合法权益,经过半个世纪多地发展和改革,可以说信访已经深入人心,信访 制度也已成为中国公民特别是底层公民实现话语权的基本制度,在疏解民愤、化解纠纷 等方面发挥了重要的作用。 当前,我国正在经济高速发展期、社会转型期和社会矛盾多发期,信访总量逐年攀 升,信访形势日趋复杂,不断考验着信访制度作为救济手段的实用性和有效性。由于《信 访条例》规定的模糊性、缺乏惩处性条款和基本程序缺失等制度缺陷,尚难保证“有法 可依、有法必依、执法必严、违法必究”的依法行政要求。于是,理论界关于信访制度 的“存”“废”争议激烈,而实务界则突破《信访条例》形成各显神通、各行其道的局 面,信访改革势在必行。 本文将在公法视野下,从《信访条例》规定出发,结合 W 市近三年信访实践工作 情况,分析信访工作存在的问题,探索信访救济权基础理论和功能定位,提出信访改革 设想。本文共分为五个部分,第一部分是信访制度概述和信访与行政复议、行政诉讼的 关系及衔接问题。简要介绍信访、信访权等概念,概要总结中国历史上直诉制度的发展 演变和其他国家实现诉愿权的途径,分析信访与行政复议、行政诉讼等救济途径的关系 和衔接问题。第二部分是以 W 市信访实践为例,分析信访工作现状、存在问题及产生 原因。第三部分为理论界对信访制度改革的争议。第四部分为建立以信访为核心的多元 化非诉行政纠纷解决机制的建议。第五部分是结语。 关键词:公法;信访;信访权;信访制度;信访改革 Abs Abstract letter letter and call system with the administrative review and the administrative lawsuit, briefly introducing the concepts of letters and calls and the rights to letters and calls, briefly summarizing the development evolution of direct appealing system in Chinese history and other means to realize the petition rights, and analyzing the relationship and link between the letter and call system with the administrative review and the administrative lawsuit. Part II takes the W city’s letter and call practice as the example and analyzes the status quo, the 1 1 2 2 The letter and call system in China emerged in the 1950s and as a special means of remedy of expression of publics opinions to the upper level, expression of public petition, participation in the politics and maintenance of rights and interests, the system is an important bridge and link for the Party to closely communicate with the mass and an important way for the citizen to exercise democratic rights. The system has played very important political role in the special historical period, a great many citizens have maintained their legitimate rights and interests through the letter and call channel and after the development and reform in more than half century, it


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