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化和抑郁两个因子有差异(P 值<0.05),其余各因子两个民族间无差异(P 值
>0.05),提示汉族学生较布依族学生的心理健康水平差。在 EPQ 四个维度的 比较中,在精神质、内外向两个维度上比较有差异(P 值<0.05),而神经质和 掩饰程度两个维度比较无差异(P 值>0.05),且汉族学生人格呈内向倾向型;
(5)偏因素相关性分析提示:①父母养育方式与心理健康之间有明显相关性, 即父母亲因子中的惩罚严厉、偏爱、拒绝否认及父亲因子中的过度保护的因子分 与 SCL-90 中的所有因子呈正相关,父母亲因子中的情感温暖理解与 SCL-90 中 的所有因子呈负相关。②父亲因子中的情感温暖、过度保护两个因子与 EPQ 中 的四个维度均呈负相关,母亲因子中的情感理解、惩罚严厉与偏爱三个因子与四 个维度均呈正相关。结论:父母养育方式与农村初中生的心理健康及人格密切相 关,应提倡情感温暖理解型的养育方式。
【关键词】 父母养育方式;农村初中生;心理健康;人格
Research of Correlation about Parental Raising Patterns and Mental Health and Personality of Rural Junior High School
Major:Paediatrics Postgraduate : XIE Yuan-yuan ;Supervisor: Professor Wu Na and LIU Jian-hua
【Abstract】 Objective: To analyse rural junior high school students parental
raising patterns and the present situation of mental health, personality, discussing parental raising patterns and the correlation of the countryside middle school students mental health and personality. Methods: Using cluster sampling method to select 2 towns middle school students and 479 second grade students of middle school in Guizhou for general situation questionnaire. Including gender, age, nationality, parents occupation, cultural level, parental rearing patterns scale, self -evaluation scale of symptoms and Eysenck personality questionnaire (Youth version).And in general case, the three standardized questionnaire with the national norm, the comparison between the different sex, different nationalities, and parental raising patterns on the correlation between the self-assessment lists of symptom
(Self-reporting Inventory )SCL-9、EPQ (Eysenck Personality Questionnaire)scores
were analyzed. Results:(1)The survey of 479 second grade students psychological problem detection rate was 23.38%, the boy was 22.22%, the girl was 46.32%, the girls SCL - 90 scores were higher than boys, poor mental health than boys.(2)After
analysed and compared with their respective national norm results show that ①For
mother’s factors, whic
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