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硕士研究生学位论文 摘要 Ⅰ 摘 要 化学植筋技术是一种新的应用技术,它解决了在原有结构需改造的梁、板、柱、基 础等部位进行钢筋生根问题,也称为钢筋的生根技术,即在已有的混凝土结构或构件要 生根的位置上,按设计计算的钢筋数量、规格、深度,以适当的钻孔,用锚固胶将钢筋 植入孔内。因其施工工艺简单,不改变结构原形,且速度高成本低,广泛地应用于加固 及改造工程中。 但植筋锚固与常规的钢筋锚固有很大的不同,虽然国内外有大量这方面的试验研 究,也获得了丰富的研究成果,但主要集中在静力研究上,对于模拟地震动力的试验研 究很少,对其抗震性能知之甚少。因此,本文将对植筋试件在低周反复荷载作用下进行 试验研究。 本文将介绍植筋混凝土柱受固定轴向荷载和水平反复荷载作用的抗震性能试验研 究。试件为采用 JGN 结构胶、柱纵筋植筋长度分别为 15d、22d 和 25d,每种锚固长度制 作两个试件,共 6 根植筋混凝土柱。主要观察各试件的破坏形态以及绘制 P—△ (水平 荷载一位移)滞回曲线,进行刚度退化、延性及耗能能力等方面的比较分析,得到对植筋 混凝土柱抗震性能的评价。 通过植筋柱承载力计算分析,研究植筋柱的承载力,最后,提出化学植筋的抗震构 造要求。 关键词:化学植筋;低周反复荷载;抗震性能;植筋深度 II Abstract 硕士研究生学位论文 Abstract The chemical planted bar technique is a new kind of construction applying technique, it has resolved successfully the problem that the bar rooting on the beam、slab、column、foundation and other member needed changing of the origin structure , it is also named the bar rooting technique. O n the location need rooted bars, the number and the anchorage length of the bars is determined according to the design calculation , with the adequate ho le, and the bars is embedded in the holes with high strength bonding agents. It has been widely used in the reinforcement and rebuilding projects because of the easier technology and not changing the original shape of the structure, and the higher speed and the lower cost. But the bond behavior of adhesively bonded bar is greatly different from that of ordinary bars in concrete.No analysis methods for adhesivily bonded bars are presented in concrete structure code.Although there are plenty of experiment and study about this field,but they are mainly about static study.There is few experiments and study about anti-seismic,so we kown little about the seismic behaviour of chemically planted-bar.In this part, experimental researches on aseismatic behavior of RC columns with postinstalled chemically longitudinal rebar. In this paper, experimental researches on seismatic behavior of RC columns with postinstalled chemically longitudinal rebar und



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