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PAGE PAGE 4 3. 一系列的生物相容性实验证实 TLM-MAO-Htt 和 Ti-MAO-Htt 涂层具有很 好的生物相容性,并具有异位成骨能力。 4. Beagle 犬颌骨内植入试验研究中,发现 TLM-MAO-Htt 种植体和相同处 理的纯钛种植体(Ti-MAO-Htt)骨结合的效率和质量无明显差别,但二者均明 显高于光滑表面的纯钛种植体(Ti-S)。 5. 在种植体延期负载试验中,发现高弹性模量的 Ti-MAO-Htt 种植体的骨 结合率、螺纹内骨的面积率、皮质骨区结合骨的弹性模量和硬度均显著低于低弹 性模量的 TLM-MAO-Htt 种植体(P≤0.05);而 Ti-MAO-Htt 种植体颈部呈角形 骨吸收,种植体结合骨的骨改建较 TLM-MAO-Htt 种植体活跃。 结论 1. 通过微弧氧化水热处理可在 TLM 钛合金表面成功构建粗糙多孔并复合 有纳米 HA 的微纳米结构,与牙本质-牙骨质复合体结构相似,初步实现了牙种 植体仿生涂层的构建。 2. TLM-MAO-Htt 涂层具有很高的亲水性、生物相容性和生物活性。 3. TLM-MAO-Htt 和 Ti-MAO-Htt 两组种植体的骨结合质量明显优于未处理 的光滑纯钛组种植体。 4. 低弹性模量的 TLM-MAO-Htt 种植体与高弹性模量 Ti-MAO-Htt 种植体相 比较,低弹性模量组种植体与周围骨组织间具有更好的力学相容性。 关键词 种植体,弹性模量,仿生涂层,力学相容性,骨结合 Research and development of bionic implants with low elastic modulus ABSTRAT Objective To design study a bioactive implant that its elastic modulus matches with the bone tissue through both in vitro and in vivo tests which are able to evaluate the biocompatibility and biomechanical compatibility of the implant, as well as the mechanical biological reaction of the bone tissue around the implant so as to provide a basic study for the clinical application of this kind of implant. Methods TLM titanium alloy (Ti25Nb3Zr3Mo2Sn) which was approximate to β type was used as the base material for the implant. Its elastic modulus is about 1/2 of the pure titanium while the mechanical strength is higher. In order to improve the biological activity of the TLM titanium alloy surface, a biomimetic coating with rough and porous structure compounded with nano-HA was prepared via micro-arc oxidation (MAO) and hydrothermal treatment (Htt). In such a manner, two kinds of bionic implants (TLM-MAO-Htt and Ti-MAO-Htt) were prepared. The surface morphology, phase structure, roughness and hydrophilicity of the coating were detected to characterize its physicochemical properties and the hemolysis experiments, cell toxicity test, acute systemic toxicity test and subcutaneous implantation test were applied to evaluate the biocompatibility of the implants. We also



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