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攀此论文代簿的601285810包橡測|包道过|包簪卿 率处论文代簿的60123S310包橡測|包通过|包簪辮 提出创建新型绿色酒店的若干建议,指出应从建立绿色企业文化,设计绿色组织机构,推 出绿色产品,提供绿色服务等方面实施绿色经营策略。文章旨在进一步加深对酒店可持续 发展理论的探讨,并试图找出能让我国酒店业尽快摆脱效益低下的方法。 关键词:绿色酒店,经营,综述,发展建议 Abstract At present, the Green Hotel is a domestic and international tourism research focus, pay attention to envi ronmenta I protection i n the 21 st century, green hotels must become the inevitable trend of the hotel industry. Green hotel related areas of research since the 80 century, increasing attention since the mid~and accumulated a wealth of research results. Increasingly intense competitive envi ronment in the hotel under the concept of this sort out the background of green hotel, green hotel meaning and create mean i ng, to further deepen the understanding and awareness of green hotels; to green hotel concept of the basic theoretical framework for the center, with a large number of data, using theoretical ana lysis and case study method of combining, propose to create new green hotel in a number of recommendations, that should establish the green corporate culture, organizational design green bodies, introduction of green products, green services, and provide the implementation of green business strategy. Article aims to further enhance the sustainable development of the theory of the hotel, and try i ng to find out as soon as poss i b I e make the hotel i ndustry i n Ch i na i neff i c i ent method. KEY WORDS : Green Hotel, business strategy, advice 2009年12月7 H至18 H在丹麦首都哥木哈根召开丫《联合国气候变化框架公约》 第15次缔约方会议暨《京都议定书》第5次缔约方会议。此次会议被视为二战结束以来 最重要的国际会议,也被称为哥木哈根联合网气候变化大会。会议最大的“贡献”就是给 全世界人民上了一堂气候变化知识的普及课,让普通公众了解了气候变化的来龙去脉、气 候谈判的复杂性以及气候政治的残酷性。应对气候变化、发展低碳经济,已成为国际社会 的共识。当今社会,人们不断追求经济的发展和生活质量的提高,但在这个过程中,人们 的生存空间遭到了严蜇破坏。人们不得不选择一种既满足发展需要,又能保护环境的发展 方式,即可持续发展。 改革开放后,我国经济得到长足的发展,经济结构也发生了相应的变化,第三产业在 岡民经济中所占比重越来越高,同时第三产业内部结构也发生了变化。第三产业的迅猛发 展,对环境的压力越来越大,由此带來的环境问题闩益严電,如不及吋加以管理,将成为 制约第三产业,乃至整个W民经济可持续发展的重要因素。保护环境的最根本目的是保护 人体健康,保护人类享有健康生存空间的权利,所以,实现吋持续发展,创造良好的生存 空问是绿色酒店管理的基础。我岡的酒店企业想要在未来的全球竞争中抓住机遇,赢得竞


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