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肺孢子菌病的CT表现 Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia 两肺对称性毛玻璃样改变 Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia: 两肺对称性毛玻璃样改变 Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia 约30%病例呈囊性改变 外科手术在肺真菌病治疗中的地位 IDSA: indications for surgery in treatment of IPA Clinical Infectious Diseases 2008; 46:327–60 ATS2011对肺曲霉病外科手术治疗的意见 IPA: In patients with refractory IPA in whom aggressive antifungal chemotherapy has failed, and who have focal disease, we suggest consideration of surgical excision (CIII). CNPA: Surgical resection may be clinically indicated, based upon severity of disease, structural considerations, and response to antifungal therapy (CIII). Aspergillomas: In some patients with aspergillomas with massive hemoptysis, we suggest that surgical resection may be necessary to control local disease and massive hemoptysis (BII). Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 183. pp 96–128, 2011 肺曲霉病的外科手术治疗指征 肺部病变接近大血管或心包 肺部病变侵及胸壁 继发曲霉脓胸 孤立性曲霉空洞或曲菌球导致反复咯血或大咯血 范围局限的复发性病变经积极抗真菌治疗效果不佳 Clinical Infectious Diseases 2008; 46:327–60 Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 183. pp 96–128, 2011 肺隐球菌病的外科手术指征 诊断需要:与肿瘤难以鉴别 根治性切除应同时满足下列条件 无免疫缺陷 孤立性大块病变 经积极药物治疗仍复发或难以吸收 Clin Infect Dis. 2010;50(3):291-322. Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 183. pp 96–128, 2011 毛霉病的治疗:外科手术切除是确保成功治疗的关键环节之一 成功治疗毛霉病的四个关键环节: early diagnosis; reversal of underlying predisposing risk factors, surgical debridement where applicable prompt antifungal therapy Clinical Infectious Diseases 2009; 48:1743–51 毛霉病的治疗:Amphotec+手术 男,24岁,有1型糖尿病及酮症酸中毒病史。 2009年2月6日患者出现胸闷、咳嗽、乏力,当地医院行肺部CT示右上肺大片实变影,先后予抗生素、抗结核治疗,病情仍进行性加重,肺部出现空洞病变,加用氟康唑治疗20天无效, 2009年6月20日行支气管镜检查病理确诊为肺毛霉病,开始接受Amphotec(6mg/kg/d)治疗,7-10行右全肺切除 肺部CT(2009-06-11) 肺部CT(2009-06-29) 术后胸片(2009-07-14) 在美丽的背后 谢谢! Fungal infection in a 23-year-old man with severe neutropenia secondary to chemotherapy and hematopoietic stem cell transplant for acute myelogenous leukemia. Transverse thin-section (1-mm collimation) CT scan through the hila demonstrates multiple ill-defined nodules in the right upper lobe; one of the