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PAGE word文档可编辑 设计(论文)题目 中小企业网络系统集成设计与实现 学 院: 电子与信息工程学院 学生姓名: 专业班级: 计算机网络技术 学 号: 指导教师: word文档可编辑 摘要 本课题围绕着企业对网络系统集成的需求和设计,网络系统集成是网络工程实施的重要部分,企业网络系统集成主要包括:了解用户需求、网络需求分析、网络总体设计、网络设备选型与配置、综合布线方案、网络设备管理等方面。 本设计结合一家中小企业网络的实际需求,通过对网络架构组建方案的设计、基于安全的网络配置方案设计、服务器架设方案设计、企业网络高级服务设计等方面的仿真研究,详尽的探讨了对该网络进行规划设计时遇到的关键性问题,以及网络相关的服务。该设计主要包括需求分析、拓扑结构设计、IP 地址规划方案设计、服务器架设和网络安全设计等内容。论文针对中小企业网络拓扑进行设计和分析,通过Cisco Packet Tracer 软件及Windows.Server.2003网络操作系统进行网络仿真配置和安全设计,给出了网络规划设计解决方案。 关键词:中小企业 网络系统集成 需求分析 综合布线 网络设备管理 ABSTRACT This topic around the enterprise network system integration requirements and design, network system integration network engineering is an important part of the implementation, enterprise network systems integration mainly includes: the understanding of user needs, the network needs analysis, network design, network equipment selection and configuration, integrated wiring scheme, network device management This design is base on the actual demand of a small-middle enterprise, through the design of the network infrastructure, the design of security-based network configuration solution, the design of the infrastructure of sever farm, the design of advance services, to deeply investigate into the problem we met, and the service related to the network design. This design is mainly focus on the requirement analysis, topology excogitation, IP address design, server farm and network security design. This article is focus on the analysis of network topology design and use the Cisco Packet tracer to build a simulated infrastructure to illustrate what I have done. Key words: small and medium-sized enterprise network systems integration integrated wiring network equipment management needs analysis 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc317965506 摘要 PAGEREF _Toc317965506 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc317965507 引言 PAGEREF _Toc317965507 \h 4 HYPERLIN


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