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到底谁在敲门! Neighbours邻居 Miss. Cow has a yellow pillow. Miss.Slow likes the pillow. But the pillow is under Mr.Cow. Miss. Slow Knocks the window. Miss. Cow opens the window. No one but many Miss. Slow in a row. Miss.Slow knocks the window. No one but many Mr. Slow in a row. Miss. Slow comes near the window. Miss. Cow sees Miss. Slow. Miss.Cow throws the pillow at Miss.Slow. Miss. Slow has the yellow pillow. Listen and number! row how ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) slow ( ) tomorrow ( ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Unit3 A Lets spell Snow outside the window. Lets match /??/ /a?/ wow, snow, down slow, pillow枕头 ow wow, snow, down slow, pillow枕头 /??//a?/ Let’s practice练一练 ow c n h sh b pill thr r Enjoy the phonics song. I have two friends. This is Miss. Slow. Shes a snail. This is Mr. Down. Hes a cow. Snow outside the window. This is Mr.Downs house. Do you want to see this house? * Unit 3 A lets spell a-e Let’s catch the phonics说出它的发音. make cake name Let’s catch the phonics说出它的发音. al,-or- tall ball horse fork Let’s catch the phonics说出它的发音. ar car arm card Let’s catch the phonics说出它的发音. ir,ur,wor girl nurse work Let’s catch the phonics说出它的发音. er tiger sister Let’s catch the phonics说出它的发音. ow c fl er花 Flower,flower.I see a flower. Yellow,yellow.the flower is yellow. Cow,cow. I see a cow. Cute, cute, the cow is cute. Flower on the cow. Flower on the cow. Lets chant Flower,flower.I see a flower. Yellow,yellow.the flower is yellow. Cow,cow. I see a cow. Cute, cute, the cow is cute. Flower on the cow. Flower on the cow. Lets spell /??/ /a?/ w-i-n-d-ow-window y-e-ll-ow-yellow fl-ow-er-flower c-ow-cow Lets find 找出它们的规律说一说 flower yellow window ow /??/ /a?/ slow snow down rainbow grow brown powder 一般情况下 -ow-在词中发成/a?/, 除了now,cow,how -ow 在词尾发成/??/, 除了bowl,own 词中/a?/, /a?/, /a?/, 除了now,cow,how 词尾/??/, /??/, /??/,除了bowl和own /??/ /a?/ snow slow pillow wow how no


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