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广东版开心学英语五年级下册教案六 第1页共53页 广东版开心英语五年级下册教案 Unit One Where were you last month? Objectives and Requirements目标与要求 一、 教学目标 1. 学会VOCABULARY 的单词。 2. 复习巩固一般过去时的用法。 3. 懂得“o”在单词中的发音。 二 、教学重点 1 掌握“o”的正确读法和发音。 2 熟练运用句式“Where were you yesterday?”、“What was the food like? It was?” 进行交际。 三、 教学难点 1.熟练运用句式“Where were you yesterday?”、“What was the food like? It was?” 进行交际。 2.在不同的地方前用不同的介词。 四、教学用具 教学录音带 自制课件 五、Teaching aids(教具) 1. Gogo, Tony和Jenny的头饰 2. 挂图、单词和实物杂志、报纸、日程计划簿等 3.自制课件、录音带等。 六、Teaching rocedure(分为三课时) The First eriod (Vocabulary、Review) 一、Teaching aims: 1. Learn the words of vocabulary. 2. Review of Student’s Book 3. 二、Teaching imortant oints the new words 三、Teaching difficult oints 第2页共53页 the new vocabulary 四、Teaching material: tae, comuter, objects. 五、Teaching methods、Learning methodsGame 六、Teaching Comrehension 1. Revision: A. Say hello to the students B. Daily reort “Today is ….Yesterday was…. 2. resentation: A. Learn the new words base on the icture Cards. B. T disguises “tasty”、“yucky”、“sicy”using objects. C. Read it together and Ss do the actions and how to exlain those words. D. Elicit “What’s the food like? food 食物 E. Elicit “good” and “bad” by raising the good Ss and bad Ss. F. T asks S1 “Where are you today?” Guide S1 to say: “I’m at school.” Lend in “Where were you last night? j I was at home. 3. ractice: G. Oen their books and listen to Review first, then reeat. H. lay a game: Ss write down the laces and ut them in the box, some of them going to draw lots others ask her or him “Where were you yesterday?” “What was the weather like?” “What was the food like?”  Grou work 4. Conclusion 5. Homework: I. Design a icture for each new word and coy them twice. 七、Teaching writing on the blackboard: Unit One Where were you last month? good tasty snowy sicy bad yucky Canada Thailand 第3页共53页 教学后记 Unit 2 What did yo


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