人教修订版高三Units Getting the message教案设计.doc

人教修订版高三Units Getting the message教案设计.doc

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人教修订版高三Units Getting the message教案设计 参赛者:高晓聪 电话通讯地址:陕西省礼泉一中 邮编:713200 Reading Advertising Teaching aims: (I) Train the students’ ability of skimming and scanning. (II). Make students learn absorbing information, processing information and outputting information. (III). Learn to use the new vocabulary in a new language scene. (IV) Hold a critical attitude towards ads. Teaching important points: (I) Train the Ss reading ability of skimming and scanning. (II) Learn to use new vocabulary in a new language scene. Teaching difficult points: (I) Learn to use absorb information, process information and output information. (II) The definition, principle and functions of advertising. Teaching methods: Task-based method; Inductive method; Situational method Teaching aids: A muti-media classroom; A record Teaching steps: I. Lead-in (Lead the students into the new lesson by presenting a group of ads related to clothes, food, house, traffic, thoughts and bad effects.) Looking at the ads below, please answer the questions. What kind of products do the first four ads promote? What does the fifth ad make people aware of? What effect does the sixth ad have on society? What is the slogan of each ad? (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Ad1 Clothes 俏丽时装,青春洋溢。 Qiaoli latest fashion, full of youth. Ad2 Food 俏在外表,美在心灵。 Nifty in the look, beauty in the soul. AD3 Accommodation — 家是什么? __ What’s a family? — 家是放“心”的地方。__ It’s a place where you set down a “ heart”. AD4 Traffic___ Without wings, you can fly as well. 没有翅膀,你一样可以飞翔。 AD5 Thoughts___ 多一些润滑,少一些摩擦。(呼吁停止战争,渴望和平) More lubricant, more frictional. AD6 Effects ___ 藏秘排油茶,迅速抹平大肚子!(郭德纲) Judging from this, Ads have a great effect on every side of our life. They not only allow us to make us to choose better products but also



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