新课标必修1教学设计Unit4 Earthquakes 三至七课时.doc

新课标必修1教学设计Unit4 Earthquakes 三至七课时.doc

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第三课时 Learning about language Target language a. words and expressions shake, well, rise, smelly, pond, pipe, burst, canal, steam, ruin, injure, destroy, brick, dam, useless, steel, shock, quake, rescue, electricity, disaster, army, organize, bury, coal, mine, shelter, fresh, percent, speech, judge, honor, prepare, Europe, crack, survivor, miner right away, at an end, dig out, a(great) number of, give out, thousands of b. sentences 1. Farmers wives noticed that the wells had deep cracks in them. P26 2. It seemed that the world was art an end. P26 3. Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves. P26 4. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. P26 5. Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed. P26 Discovering useful words and expressions 第一步:两人活动,一人说意思,另外一人猜单词,完成练习一。这一部分要注意的是不能单纯得为了练习单词而做题,要培养学生英语思维的能力(用英语解释英语单词)。 第二步:独立完成填空题,之后互相交换答案,解释自己为什么这么选择,在语篇中熟练掌握单词的应用。 第三步:速写比赛,课代表用英语念数字,进行比赛看谁写的数字准确率高,速度快,同样训练了学生用英语思维的能力。 One million, two-thirds, seventy-five percent, ninety percent, half a million, ten thousand . 第四步:完成练习 P63 第一题来巩固新单词。 Discovering useful structures 第一步:学生重读课文,查找教材中带有 that, which, who, whose 的句子。 第二步:教师针对每个句子提问,以帮助学生认识定语从句。例如:句子的主干是什么?主句和从句的关系是什么?等。 第三步:小组讨论,归纳这些句子之间的共同点,进而理解什么是定语从句,定语从句和先行词之间的关系,培养学生自主学习的能力。There are two kinds of this Clause. One is the Restrictive Attributive Clause, which modifies the noun; the other is the Non- Restrictive Attributive Clause, which gives extra information, and is written with commas. Four relative pronouns the Attributive Clause use are who, whose, which and that. 第四步:看图说话完成句子,合并两个单句,试着用一个句子去修饰另一个句子。(例如 A boy is crying. Hes got lost in the shop=a boy who is lost in the shop is crying)以巩固学生对和定语从句中主句和从句之间的关系的理解。 Homework 完成练习 p28 and p64 关于定语从句的练习。 ? 第四课时 Using language Reading, Writing, Speaking Listening 第一步:自由阅读邀请信,分析出要做演讲的场合和对象,确定所写演讲稿的语言基调。 第二步:根据书中第三步所给的提示要点,完成演讲稿。这一步的关键在于不能让学生误以为就是把书中的要求罗列出来,而是要引导他们怎么样把握其中的逻辑性和遣词造句上的连贯性。 第三步:演讲活动,评比优胜三名, 多鼓励


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