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封面 - 1 - 医药管理信息系统 摘 要 软件测试是软件工程的重要组成部分,测试工作的质量直接影响软件产品 的生命力。黑盒测试也称功能测试或数据驱动测试,它是在已知产品所应具有的 功能,通过测试来检测每个功能是否都能正常使用,在测试时,把程序看作一个 不能打开的黑盆子,在完全不考虑程序内部结构和内部特性的情况下,测试者在 程序接口进行测试,它只检查程序功能是否按照需求规格说明书的规定正常使 用,程序是否能适当地接收输入数锯而产生正确的输出信息,并且保持外部信息 的完整性。黑盒测试方法主要有等价类划分、边值分析、因—果图、错误推测等, 主要用于软件确认测试。 现代企业管理的基本思想就是把企业作为一个有机的整体,从整体优化的角 度出发,通过运用科学的管理思想、方法和计算机技术,把整个企业经营过程中 的各种相关信息,按照客观规律实行高度的集成,为企业经营和科学决策提供大 量、有效的信息;同时在此基础上,通过对企业供、销、财、物各个环节实行科 学的规划、组织、控制和管理,使他们在经营过程中得以协调有序,合理配置, 并充分发挥作用,达到最大限度的降低库存量,减少资金的占用,缩短周转周期, 降低经营成本,增强企业的市场竞争能力和应变能力。进而达到提高企业的管理 水平及经济效益的目的。 关键词:VC,ACCESS,数据库,软件工程,医药管理信息系统 Abstract The software testing is the software engineering important component , the mass testing a job has direct impact to software product life-force. The secret box testing also says the function testing or the data drive tests , it is function having in - 2 - what known number product responds to , come to check if every function can be put into use regularly, when testing by testing , look upon procedure as a black basin being able to not open up, under the situation of not considering procedure inner structure and inside characteristic property completely, the surveyor carries out a testing in procedure interface , its god of the earth examines that procedure function if the specifications regulation is regular according to needing specification is put into use, If procedure can receive the entering number saw but produce correct output information appropriatly, and. The modern business management basic thought is the enterprise took an organic whole, the angle which optimizes from the whole embarks,through the utilization science management thought, the method and the computer technology, manages


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