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多供应商条件下的经济订货批量模型研究 摘 要 随着社会经济的飞速发展,市场竞争日趋激烈,产品生命周期日益缩短以及顾客 需求的多样化和对时间的日益敏感性,增加了企业生产计划运行的不确定性和动态 性因素,使得现代企业面临着严峻的挑战,对供应链的管理也提出了更高的要求。 本文旨在研究供应链的采购和库存控制问题,如何控制采购成本和改善采购的效 率是供应链研究的重要方面。本文从供应商的订货决策过程出发,先研究了单供应商 订货决策问题,然后,对EOQ 公式进行了扩展,并建立了需求确定情况下多供应商 经济订货批量模型。最后分析采购商的订货决策问题。另外,也探讨了供应商的选 择和对利润的恰当分配问题。对于每个问题都进行了较深入的分析,建立了模型,给出 了算法与步骤,并用实例来验证模型的正确性和有效性,无论是理论上还是现实中这 对供应链采购问题都是很有价值的。 总之,通过对供应链采购问题的系统研究进一步阐释了采购问题的内在规律,这 为进一步降低采购成本,提高采购效率,使采购决策科学化,合理化有着重要的理论意 义和现实意义。 关键词:订货决策;多供应商;订货批量 I Abstract With the rapid development of social economy, the market competition has become more fierce, product life cycles have been shortened, customers demands have become more discriminating, and the time has become more important. It increases uncertainty and dynamics of operation of the enterprises production planning, causes the enterprises to face the stern challenge, and sets a higher request to supply chain management. This article is for the purpose of studying the supply chain’s purchase and the inventory. How to control the purchase cost and improve purchase efficiency is supplies the important side which the article studies.This article starts from ordering decision-making process .These questions will be studied systematically in this article: first we study the economical ordering batch model in the single suppliers condition ,then EOQ formula is extended in multi-suppliers situation when the demand is sure ,last we establish model in multi-suppliers situation when the demand is definite. Besides , Suppliers choice and appropriate profit assignment are also discussed. The model establish


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