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第六章哈罗德— 多马经济增长模型: 储蓄对增长的贡献 经济增长研究重新出现的背景: 1、1930年代的世界经济大危机 2、战后的经济萧条 3、柯布和道格拉斯生产函数的提出 4、凯恩斯的收入决定理论 1 关于作者: 罗伊·哈罗德(Roy F. Harrod ;1900— 1978)1924年开始在牛津大学教授经济学, 直到1967年退休。曾在英国国家统计局任 职,第二次世界大战期间担任丘吉尔顾问。 多马(Evsey D. Domar;1914-1997)生 于波兰,1936年移民到美国。1947年获得哈 佛大学博士。曾经在the Carnegie Institute of Technology、芝加哥大学和霍布金斯大学 任教。1958起为麻省理工学院终生教授。 1984年退休。 2 Roy Harrod taught economics, and produced his original contributions to the subject, at Oxford between 1924 and his retirement in 1967. Elected to a Lectureship at Christ Church Oxford in 1922, he then spent a few months at Cambridge with J.M. Keynes, with whom he remained in close touch for the rest of Keynes life, and whose official biography he published in 1951. With Hicks and Meade he was among the Oxford economists included in Keynes circle of correspondents. A founder of the Oxford Economics Research Group along with Hubert Henderson and others, his unique contribution in urging a dynamic rather than static approach to economic issues was an Oxford contribution, accepted only later among the Cambridge economists. 3 A delay of two years, (1928 to 1930) in the publication by Keynes, then editor of the Economic Journal of Harrods original marginal revenue curve denied the Oxford economist the primacy in this field. This sad turn of circumstance was to repeat itself several times in Harrods career. Another independent discovery by Harrod (1931), effectively the long-run envelope of short-run average cost curves, also went unrecognized - the credit being awarded to Viner. In that same article, he laid out the analytical foundations for the theory of imperfe


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