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【标题】论艾米莉迪金森诗歌的死亡主题 【作者】刘杰 【关键词】艾米莉?迪金森;死亡;永生;原因 【指导老师】贾艳娜 【专业】英语 【正文】 I? Introduction Emily Dick in son (1830-1886) , the American best-know nf emale poet, was one of the foremost authors in American 1iterature. Emi 1y Dickinson' s poems, as well as Walt Whitman' s, were considered as a part of "American renaissance" ; they were regarded as pioneers of i mag ism ? Both of them rejected custom and received wisdom and experimented with poetic style? She however differs from Whitman in a variety of ways. For one thing, Whi tma n seems to keep his eye on society at 1 arge; Di ck in son explores the inner life of the individual. Whereas Whitman is "national” in his outlook, Dickinson is "regional" Emily Dickinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts, on December 10, 1830. She lived almost her entire 1 ife in the same town (much of it in the same house), traveled infrequently, never married, and in her last years never left the grounds of her family. So she was called "vestal of Amherstv ? And yet despite this narrow一some might say一pathologically constric ted - out ward experie nee, she was a n extremely intellige nt, highly sensitive, and deeply passionate person who throughout her adult 1ife wrote poems that were startlingly original in both content and technique, poems that would profoundly influenee several generations of American poets and that would win her a secure position as one of the greatest poets that America has ever produced? Dickinson,s simply construeted yet intensely felt, acutely intellectual writings take as their subject issues vital to humanity: the agonies and ecstasies of love, sexuality, the unfathomable nature of death, the horrors of war, God and religious belief, the importanee of humor, and musings on the significance of literature, music, and art. 1 Emily Dickinson enjoys the King James Version of the Bible, as well as authors such as English Writers William Shakespeare, John Milton, Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, George Eliot, an


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