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⑥设计 J 个然 Jι山队的 C 阳综介网络管川系统原型 并对网管中阻晋管用 攸阵甘理性能甘理 计费fft亚和安全?J坐等手系仔EJ)J 能进衍了定义
由重川l 讨论了网络管理巾的故障管理!实现 f 仪障 11理手系统叫T frJ Jz!:程监测模
③该院块将j叫用于 Ilr 1J飞省理信公司的 CPN 综合网管系统中
最后 本文总结l...l íí中尚有的司、足 并指出了 f 扯的工作和努力方向
关键词 t
CORBA 分布式处理环境
The Research of CORBA-based Integrated Network 岛lanagement Strateg?es 00 CP:I
Wi由由c ra咒 d development of cOlllmunicalion lcchnology,lntemet infoilllation sharing
and h埔 speed data servicc,offering lhe br叫band 阳出 alr叫v becomcs lhe f川i
, of
commumcat】 on fields at prcscnt ,and Customer Premlse Netwo 汰 (Broadband Cu阳ill Premise Network ,CP叫 also becomcs the focus of construct毗 Bccausc of a hot ωmpetition am] opCIl 1吼叫k_ nvirorullen t. the 叩r川on and managcmem of 阴阳
,ts speιal chara仙咀 stic,its service type be:omes more complicatcd. and it nccds much
better managerial ability
Nσw CPN in 由e stalu凶 of Zeromanagαnellt or j[ has many 叩ecial management syslems provided by the equipment entαprises. Wilh the gradual expansion of scale and 也c ωnstant 四川巳ase of service,the wbole network is increasingly comphcaled and lhe problcms of manag.αnent wilJ be very outslandmg. Moreover,as various kinds of nel协.ork and 饲uipment are lack unificd 吼叫ard of interf 耐, it ha.s broUghl great difficulty 阳,,
construction of network managαllcnt syslem,such as inωmpaliblc protc ∞18,Jumbled
conlent , thcωfficulty of mformation cxchange ,lack of whole integraied managemcnt various of operaling inl町faccsωd etc. At p.esenl ,how 10 run the whole CPN ef佬ctJ ve\y is a
great diffi ult prob1etηf()r thcζ:PN operato1O
丁丁b巳 r臼比叶h 叫0 也hi血, 归p江.叩per山1 刘md 匹 g w血ih the ba缸ckground 口a挝t the ∞c骂旨ructlCo川 n of CP inj..臼egrat 巳址执比-k man恼g伊ement pμ抵b,,o岛rrπrm of Shandong Com阳应nUlll比 创t阳n ζ。x耶p丁灿
The aωu吐 。.创r par饥呻旧c
lp富a抵臼洒 in lhe tOlal strategy designing of 山 matlagcment systerη and is
responsiblc for the implementation realization ofthe fault managemcnt subsystem
The mai且 Vφrk and innovative poinlS stated in
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