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---Notice When you write a notice, what aspects should be considered? 通知 为了鼓舞士气,激励xx学子,我校将邀请xx北大学子李华回校为我们做一次主题演讲。 时间:下周二下午4:00 — 5:00 地点:学校体育馆 参与人员:全体高三学生,也欢迎其他年级有兴趣的同学 前来学习。 主题:Believe in Yourself, Realize Your Dream 内容:1. 讲述北大生活及其它相关情况。 2.与同学分享自己的学习经验:比如:如何提 高学习效率;如何劳逸结合 3. 解答同学们的学习疑问。 教导处 2014年10月17日 In order to inspire the students in Senior Three, a speech will be given by Li Hua, a student in Peking University graduating from our school, in the school gymnasium from 4 pm. to 5 pm. next Tuesday. // The theme of the speech is “Believe in Yourself, Realize Your Dream”. // In the speech, Li Hua will share her life in Peking University as well as his own learning experience, such as how to improve learning efficiency and how to keep a balance between study and rest. // What’s more, Li Hua will answer some of your questions about study. // All the students in Senior Three are required to attend the speech and those from other grades who are interested in it are also welcome! Purpose Who Where When What Teaching Affair Office NOTICE Who Purpose When Where Who What Others (how to sign up or make contact; hope; wish) When you write a notice, what aspects should be considered? 2014年 in 2014 2014年10月 in October, 2014 2014年10月17日 on October 17, 2014 2014年10月17日星期二 on Tuesday, October 17, 2014 2014年10月17日星期五早上10点 at 10 am. on Friday, October 17, 2014 10月17日下午2点到4点30分 from 2 pm. to 4:30 pm. on October 17 十月的第三个星期 in the third week of October Prepositions Used in Expressing Time 在8号房间 in Room 8 在会议室 in the meeting room 在体育馆 in the stadium 在老师办公室 in the teachers’ office 在学校礼堂 in the school hall 在校门口 at the school gate 在二楼 on the 2nd floor 在操场上 on the playground Prepositions Used in Expressing Places aim to do mean to do be aimed a


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