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内 容 摘 要 我国加入 WTO 后,随着货运代理行业市场准入限制的逐步取 消,国民待遇的实施,越来越多实力雄厚的外国货运代理企业进入 我国货运代理市场,同时国内外的船公司纷纷设立自己的货运代理 企业,种种因素使得我国货运代理行业的竞争非常激烈。对于占我 国绝大多数的中小货运代理企业而言,自身的生存与发展面临严峻 的挑战。 货运代理行业在我国发展时间较短,但发展速度较快,特别是 沿海地区。宁波这个外贸依存度较高的城市,入世给货运代理企业 带来了巨大的挑战,也滋生出一系列新问题。在对宁波地区国际货 运代理企业的经营状况、存在问题以及发展趋势做了进一步了解之 后,深切感受到当前宁波国际货运代理企业实施战略转型,寻找企 业发展新支点的迫切性,希望对货运代理企业的发展有个新的突破 口,新的思路。 关键词:货运代理 、战略管理、 第三方物流 II ABSTRACT After our country’s entering WTO, we will gradually cancel the access limits for the freight market.Impletment national treatment to foreign companies, thus make more and more. Reign strengths in freight fields land China, and domestic and international Ship Company set up one’s own agency at the same time. All sorts of factors make domestic freight forwarders sink into very fierce competition. For the medium- small freight forwarders, the overwhelming majority in our forward fields, their survival and development face the severe challenge. In our country the development of freight forwarder has a short time, but it is developing fast especially littoral. For Ningbo, a higher dependence on foreign trade city, entry into the WTO has brought about tremendous challenges ,also a series of new problems. The authors urgent to think of the international shipping forwarding competition situation and developing direction. In the research of the paper, the author has more standing of the management status, the existing problems and developing trends of the whole forwarding of China especially Ningbo. KEYWORDS :Freight Forwarders ,Strategic Management, Third Party Logistics III


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