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华中科技 大学硕士 学 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 II II Abstract Biomass is a new kind of renewable energy sources, most of the researches all over the world focus on the biomass pyrolysis technology. Biomass pyrolysis is an efficient process of biomass conversion with high yield of liquid fuel, which makes biomass the most promising renewable energy to substitute the conventional fossil fuel. But the negative properties of bio-oil, such as the high viscosity, instability, severe corrosiveness and complicated composition, make a lot of obstacles in its substituting process, and have become a bottle-neck in its full applications. An urgent necessity to upgrade bio-oil is demanding, so bio-oil upgrading and catalytic esterification are combined in this thesis which deserves great value and realistic significance. Several bio-oil upgrading techniques which each has its own strongpoints and shortcomings are described as below. Hydrodeoxygenation process needs complicated equipments, superior techniques and excessive cost and usually is halted by catalyst deactivation and reactor clogging. Although catalytic cracking is regarded as a cheaper way of converting oxygenated feedstocks to lighter fractions, the results seem not promising due to the high coking rate and poor quality of the fuel obtained. Emulsification does not demand redundant chemical transformations, but the high cost and energy consumption can not be ignored, also, accompanying corrosiveness to the engine and the subassemblies is inevitably serious. Due to the multiformity of the organic acids existent and its high total content (10-20wt%), several metal salt catalysts with high esterification activity were screened out and used in the bio-oil upgrading in order to reduce the operation cost and improve the quality of bio-oil. Activities of those catalysts for esterification were evaluated by the esterification use acetic acid and ethanol as model reactants at about 74℃ in stirring batch reactor. Then the product was exa


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