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Med J Chin PLA, Vol. 40, No. 8, August 1, 2015  677 ·综  述· 脓毒症患者肾脏灌注调节措施的研究进展 王晓丹,张玉想 [摘要] 脓毒症是由细菌、病毒或真菌感染诱发的全身炎症反应,可以导致休克、多器官功能障碍综合征甚至死 亡。目前脓毒症已成为重症监护病房(ICU)患者死亡的主要原因。急性肾损伤(AKI)是脓毒症发展过程中最常见、最严 重的并发症之一,以急性肾衰竭(ARF)为特征,其发病率随脓毒症的严重程度加重而升高,并明显高于其他因素。随 着对脓毒症研究的不断深入,人们对脓毒症引起的肾损伤的治疗也有了新的认识,其中改善肾脏灌注颇受关注。本文 就调节肾脏灌注的措施作一综述。 [关键词] 脓毒症;急性肾损伤;再灌注损伤 [中图分类号] R631    [文献标志码] A    [文章编号] 0577-7402(2015)08-0677-04 [DOI] 10.11855/j.issn.0577-7402.2015.08.15 Research progress of measures for renal perfusion adjustment in sepsis patients * WANG Xiao-dan, ZHANG Yu-xiang Department of Intensive Care Unit, 309 Hospital of PLA, Beijing 100091, China * Corresponding author, E-mail: 163.com [Abstract] Sepsis is the result of systemic inflammatory reaction induced by bacteria, virus or fungus infection, and it can lead to shock, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, and even death. It has become the main cause for death of the patients in intensive care unit (ICU). Acute kidney injury (AKI) is one of the most common, and the most serious complications in the course of sepsis, and it is characterized by acute renal failure (ARF). The incidence of AKI would climb with the severity of sepsis, and it is significantly more eminent than the other factors. Along with the advancement in the research on sepsis, a new understanding in the treatment of renal injury caused by sepsis is gradually obtained, and attention is given to the improvement of renal perfusion. In this review, we review the measures for adjusting the renal perfusion. [Key words] sepsis; acute kidney injury; reperfusion injury 脓毒症(sepsis)和脓毒症休克是引起重症监护病 复循环血容量,满足肾灌注,缩短低血压期,而不 房(ICU)患者急性肾损伤(acute kidney injury ,AKI) 是使用大量血管活


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