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摘  要 CDGM 公司是中国最大的综合性光电材料科研生产企业,公司建厂五十多年 来,生产经营发展稳健,从未亏损过。正因如此,无论是组织架构还是薪酬激励 政策都带有明显的国有企业的历史痕迹:由于工资等收入都实行论资排辈,员工 在企业工作时间越长,工龄就越长,员工的收入就越高;没有建立真正的激励政 策,干多干少一个样,员工的工作积极性在逐渐下降;同时,对技能人员的重视 度不足,没有建立技能人员的职业发展通道。并且,随着公司搬迁到龙泉,公司 已经没有地域竞争优势;此外,由于竞争的加剧,国内已形成技能人员的“用工 荒”。基于以上原因,企业面临大量骨干力量流失的风险。随着市场经济的快速发 展,行业竞争和人力竞争的不断加剧,以往的薪酬制度已经不能满足公司日益发 展的需要,甚至成为公司留住核心技能人员的阻碍。 本文从企业长远发展出发,结合调查结果,深入分析现有薪酬制度的岗位绩 效工资制对企业发展的约束方面,分析其实施改革的原因;同时,针对这些原因, 对技能人员进行薪酬制度的优化,即实施结构工资制的薪酬体系,并对其优化结 果进行了评价。 本篇论文分为五个部分:第一章是绪论,阐述薪酬改革的背景、可行性分析 和研究的内容、意义和方法。第二章是薪酬管理相关理论,主要是阐述现代薪酬 的概念和相关理论,重点是宽带薪酬理论知识和结构工资制。第三章是成都光明 技能人员原有的薪酬制度,分析其存在的问题和弊端。第四章是技能人员薪酬体 系的优化设计,并分析其优势。第五章是技能人员薪酬方案的实施效果评价。 关键词:宽带薪酬,结构工资,员工发展 I ABSTRACT CDGM company is the largest integrated optical materials researching and production enterprise. The company’s production and operation is always healthy and never has a loss for 50 years since it was set up. For this reason, both the organizational structure and payment incentive policies have obvious history traces of state-owned enterprises. wages and others of the staff are decided according to the rank (or according to the length of service),working time anf seniori,y in enterprises is longer , income is higher ;doing more for less alike without an incentive policy , the initiative of work is decreasing ;at the same time, dong not setting up the careering development without regarding of skilled personnel. And,the company has no geographical competitive advantages as it moved to Longquan. In addition, domestic skilled personnel has become a labor shortage .For these reasons, a large number of the backbone of the company have being lost. The previous pay system can not meet the growing needs of the company, even becomes the obstruction of attracting and retaining the key employees of skilled personnel as the rapid developing of the market economy and growing competitions for industry and labor. For the long-term development of the company, this paper deeply analyses the binding aspects to the enter


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