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再現/系統/人: 班雅民論翻譯與複製科技 林建光 國立中興大學外文系副教授 5月12日於國立中正大學外文系 Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) Life Theory Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) Translation and Mechanical Reproduction “The Task of the Translator” (1923) “Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” (1936) Both essays can be found in Illuminations, trans, Harry Zohn (New York: Schocken, 1969). Literature and human “No poem is intended for the reader, no picture for the beholder, no symphony for the listener…. For what does a literary work ‘say’? What does it communicate? It ‘tells’ very little to those who understand it. Its essential quality is not statement or the imparting of information.” (“Task” 69) “Meaning”/mode of signification (1) “In the same way a translation, instead of resembling the meaning of the original, must lovingly and in detail incorporate the original’s mode of signification, thus making both the original and the translation recognizable as fragments of a grater language, just as fragments are part of a vessel…(next page) “Meaning”/mode of signification (2) For this very reason translation must in large measure refrain from wanting to communicate something….” (78) Translation/afterlife/system (1) “… no translation would be possible if in its ultimate essence it strove for likeness to the original. For in its afterlife—which could be called that if it were not a transformation and a renewal of something living—the original undergoes a change. Even words with fixed meaning can undergo a maturing process…. (next page) Translation/afterlife/system (2) Translation is so far removed from being the sterile equation of two dead languages that of all literary forms it is the one charged with the special mission of watching over the maturing process of the original language and the birth pangs of its own.” (73) Translation and system change “In translation the original rises into a higher and purer linguistic air, as it were. It … points the way to this region: the predestined, hitherto inaccessible re


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