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摘 要 热锻模设计是模具技术的一个重要组成部分,作为国民经济基础的模具工业,它的发展水平已经成为一个国家工业发展水平和产品开发能力的重要标志。CAD技术是改变传统模具设计的关键技术,是一项高科技、高效益的系统工程,它不仅缩短了产品的设计周期,而且还提高了产品的设计质量. 变速叉是汽车换档变速的一个重要零件,本文详细介绍了变速叉的锻模设计,包括分模面的选取,工步的拟订,锻件基本参数的确定,锻件毛坯尺寸的计算以及终锻型槽、预锻型槽、制坯型槽、局部结构、模块总体结构的设计,全面阐述了变速叉锻模设计的一般流程和设计过程中的一些注意问题。 由于锻造模具是模锻生产的主要工艺设备,所以其设计是否合理,对模锻件的表面质量、尺寸精度、生产率以及经济效益等影响很大,为了提高锻造模具的精度指标,本设计也应用了CAD。 关键词 变速叉;热锻模;锻模设计;CAD Abstract Forging Die Mold Design technology is a major component of the national economy as a basis for the tooling industry. the level of development it has become a national industrial development and the ability to develop products an important indicator. CAD technology is changing the traditional mold design of key technologies, which is a high-tech, high-efficiency project.It will not only shorten the product design cycle, but also to improve the quality of product design Transmission Shift Fork vehicle speed is an important component This paper describes a variable speed Fork of the die design, including sub-surface mode selection, the further elaboration, the basic parameters of forging identification. Forging rough calculation of the size of the final training-groove, Preform-groove, Blank - groove system, local structure, the overall structure of the module design, comprehensively expounded on the speed fork die design processes and the general design process some attention to the issue. Since forging die forging production is the main process equipment, its design is reasonable to forging the surface quality, dimensional accuracy, productivity and economic impact of such large, in order to enhance the precision forging die indicators. The design of the CAD application. Key words Transmission Shift Fork; Hot forging die; Forging die design; CAD 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc390113819 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc390113819 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc390113820 Abstract PAGEREF _Toc390113820 \h II HYPERLINK \l _Toc390113821 第一章 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc390113821 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc39011


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